Somebody has to know the answer to this:
@Rex Racer
@Used 2 B Hu
@Peter Gozintite
@Ewa PGH Fan
@Eugene Baker III
@Guns N Guitars
@Used 2 B Hu
@Debbie Does
@Wild Turkey
@Texas Jefe
@There is A Moose at 3rd
@Harry Seaword
@Tin Man
@Guy Incognito
@Think McFly Think
@UK Cowboy
@The Crimson King
@Judge Fudge
@Macho Grande
@Deep Creek
@Old Lion
@black francis
@Duke of Douchington
@Full Potato
@Shower Fart
@Chris p Bacon
@Used 2 B Hu
@Sexual Chocolate
@Used 2 B Hu
@Bayou Tiger
I didnt go 2000 miles away, but my last 2 cars i bought from Chicago, which is about 4 hours from me. Used cars are pretty much sold as is anyways. I called on a Wednesday and told them which car I wanted and we haggled a bit then agreed on a price. I said I couldn't get there until Saturday. The first time they were fine reserving the car for me, the second time they made me put a $500 deposit down as good faith. I agreed as long as it was fully refundable if I came test drove it and didn't like it. Both times I went down there on the last Saturday of the month, and both times when I got there I haggled again and "best and finaled" them $1000 less than we had agreed upon. They had already took it out of their online listing and everything so both times they agreed on the new price. The second time I got even more devious and was pretty sure they would agree with me, so that morning I went and got a certified check for $1000 less than the best and final price that I had just agreed to. I acted surprised that it was the wrong amount and then shrugged my shoulders and said it was all I had. They refused to accept that, but I told them over and over it wad literally all I had. Finally when ghey were honestly ready to kick me out the door I asked if there was a western union around, that maybe I could get my parents to chip in and wire me $500. They actually agreed to that, so I pulled the $2000 cash out of my pocket and smiled as I counted out 500 for them. The sales guy got pissed off and left the room, but the manager of the place said people try and rip him off every day, but mine was a first for him, so he bought us a pizza.
It actually was super easy to do, and I used the distance to help me negotiate. If the dealer would have been even a little smarter though he would have realized I wasn't going all the way diiwn there without enough money to actually buy a car.
Hypothetical: You are searching for a particular used vehicle that's been hard to find locally, and you finally find one but it's 2,000 miles away.
How hard is it to facilitate the purchase in such a scenario? Any tips or tricks to make the process easier?
@The Future Modal
what kind of car was it?
Cost to Ship a Car | uShip
There are a bunch of places that will give you free quote online to ship it. This has actual price paid by other people recently. But seems to be higher than some of the estimated quotes I got when looking into it.
One place quoted me $600 for an open transport from Miami area to Grand Rapids area, when it was conveniently available on one of their trucks. They said that was usually between 1-7 days of ordering. Obviously no guarantees. Closed transport or rush delivery were more $.