Erie Warrior
Well-Known Member
I see you enjoy guys getting blasted in the face.
But i always will say it was a mistake keeping him over Eddie the pirate
It was funny as hell. Then then reporter asked him how his jaw was. That was gold.
I see you enjoy guys getting blasted in the face.
But i always will say it was a mistake keeping him over Eddie the pirate
To be fair, I don't think he can make them any worse defensively.
I loved seeing that bat throwing twat get blasted in the face.
Odor nearly punched the homo-beard right off his face.
Define "homo-beard."
^^^ probably has the same beard
I was afraid a homo-beard was going to be defined as anything other than one of those stupid ass lumberjack beards guys are doing, in which case, I would have the homoiest-beard.
I'm good though. Mine doesn't look sharpied on.
I've been rockin the lumberjack one for a while now, mostly out of laziness
Like Dallas Keuchel shit?