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Let's look at the big picture


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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After reading all the bad news about ball deflation, the questions linger in the air like a fart in an elevator ... who cut the cheese, he/she whom smelled it dealt it, all that good stuff that inspires journalism. I have one message to the media: what happened to investigation before publication? oh, that does not apply anymore in this era of social media. Leak a juicy story and let it run, there will be many fundamentalists that will carry the load down a river of deception and misinformation ... roll the dice Dr. Media, pile it on and see if the fire catches, but be responsible in your reporting ...

Sincerely yours,
An Ex-journalist.


Dragon's Bane
Nov 30, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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After reading all the bad news about ball deflation, the questions linger in the air like a fart in an elevator ... who cut the cheese, he/she whom smelled it dealt it, all that good stuff that inspires journalism. I have one message to the media: what happened to investigation before publication? oh, that does not apply anymore in this era of social media. Leak a juicy story and let it run, there will be many fundamentalists that will carry the load down a river of deception and misinformation ... roll the dice Dr. Media, pile it on and see if the fire catches, but be responsible in your reporting ...

Sincerely yours,
An Ex-journalist.

Hey man, I'm one of those guys that does not think this whole thing is a huge deal, but let's not pretend the Pats are some innocent victims here. First off, even if the NFL can't 100% prove the Pats knowingly deflated their footballs, the fact will remain that their balls were under league minimum while the Colt's were not. And second, the Pats as a frachise, as great as they have been, are dodgy as fuck, and have long since used up all their benifit of the doubt.

If the Pats had stayed clean over the last decade or so, this would not be such a big story. They have brought it upon themselves as much as anything.


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 2,999.86
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Hey man, I'm one of those guys that does not think this whole thing is a huge deal, but let's not pretend the Pats are some innocent victims here. First off, even if the NFL can't 100% prove the Pats knowingly deflated their footballs, the fact will remain that their balls were under league minimum while the Colt's were not. And second, the Pats as a frachise, as great as they have been, are dodgy as fuck, and have long since used up all their benifit of the doubt.

If the Pats had stayed clean over the last decade or so, this would not be such a big story. They have brought it upon themselves as much as anything.

Thanks for your mature reply. I am not taking sides, and the Patriots have done enough to hog the limelight of deception. Just asking for the media to do their job well, research the issue before igniting the flame. I am a photo-journalist at heart, a true caption the moment type writer, an editor. But, I feel cheated by the media as well, which is why I use my writing skills for other purposes. The media is not objective, they propose challenges to be proven wrong or right, which I believe is irresponsible considering the speed at which information travels today. I got sick of the media and the mission of most outlets to favor SportsHoopla ... ooops, sorry for the allusion ...