Well-Known Member
Herro fegs
All I am going to say is this.
3. I am not back to gloat about my return or rub it in anyone's face. I am glad to be back on the best message board in the game.
6. And finally to Brasky, you leaving will be on you and you alone. I don't think you need to leave. I am more than willing to ignore you if you can ignore me, but that too will be up to you. It didn't need to get to this point.
Not so much that I hate you......
Just your constant attacking of BRS was complete bullshit....
good god some of you are all acting like 12 year girls fighting over dumbshit.
Sounds like some of you need to meet and fight it out sometimes violence does solve problems.Just sayin'
First; #3 there goes the neighborhood once again...
Second # 6 Brasky; let it go and have fun with it rather than take it personally... If you can't do this while wearing the Mod hat...get rid of the Mod title, do it and just be who you are.
First; #3 there goes the neighborhood once again...
Second # 6 Brasky; let it go and have fun with it rather than take it personally... If you can't do this while wearing the Mod hat...get rid of the Mod title, do it and just be who you are.
Third; HH, thanks my friend for your viewpoint... but it's all good... It was my bad that I got irritated and wanted to shit stop rather than blow it off for what it was... I reflected much in the past 2 months and hopefully have got back closer to what I was before... than what I became when I was posting daily and too much... It got personal for me and I know better! Plus, this occurred when I was having some issues with one certain person that is no longer with us for being off base in some of his personal issues... and I let him know it... many times... so I was amped up...
There is not one of you that I know personally but I feel a friendship (board wise to each of you)... even Jed... One thing I like about Jed is he is what he is and no matter if you like him or hate him, this is what you get... and that is the way I live my life too...
Lastly; Ghost; IMO..Dude... as I have stated to you in many conversations we have had in the past... "This is your sandbox" you just allow us play here...I suggest you use whatever means you have... to control your board... Do it your way... not everyone else’s way or by committee... Excuse me for saying this... but fuck what the masses think or want... and when something happens... Bans or whatever... you owe nobody answers... Not trying to tell you how to run your baord... just a friendly suggestion...
and by the way husker posters... I heard what Bo stated and don't put on your glasses yet... I did not get goosebumps... but the newbies... wow.. fresh legs... look for those who should have got more touches last year to get that this year! The positive thing I seen was everyone (except newbies) were on the same page...
here you go Jed...
I seen one of the player moms today... and... Dam'n... fine! Funny thing is, when I met her... fist thing I thought of was Jed and what he would say... LMAO...
That's right brs. Let's meet at lees to settle our differences
Hahahaha, I am rubbing off on you. That must really be painful for you.![]()
Banned people can come back?
I still talk to him periodically.
But I won't say anything because I know that will cause lots of problems
Good point BRS.
Ghost, I fully relenquish any and all mod powers I have.
I'm going to say what the fuck I want when the fuck I want and the massive faggots who say I'm just acting that way because i'm power hungry can see that NO. That is NOT the case. I'm just being real.
I have kept it real the entire time.
Faggots like RA hate a mod doing anything that raises an eyebrow.
Now I can stand up for myself without being told "i'm abusing my powers"
For anyone who says I did that: Fuck you. Straight up. Suck my fucking dick.
I did for myself what I would have done for any of you.
irule will be just fine on his own.
Hmmmm...Jed and brasky should split the bill
I'll preach here for a minute...I saw bishop Td Jakes tonight and he said the following
Listen to the lords prayer. Forgive us of our trespasses as we have forgiven others
Do you really want the lord to forgive you as you forgaven others?
I will silence you in better ways hayseed.