Quit checking me out.
Yea I'll bet you want a fat cockmeat sandwich huh??? You and Kurt gonna go out bitch beating tonight???
If you don't make me that sandwich we just might.
Yea I'll bet you want a fat cockmeat sandwich huh??? You and Kurt gonna go out bitch beating tonight???
So you think the people who write the laws who also make the same distinction are also wife beaters?
Just how retarded are you?
not half as retarded as you.... you can beat a woman as long as you don't hurt them.... you have serious issues
If you don't make me that sandwich we just might.
Are you telling me you are capable of beating a woman without hurting her?
I'm impressed, you may sit and tell me how when you bring me that sandwich.
Your the one that passed the actions off because he didn't hurt her, so that would be your mantra.
Don't take much to impress a small mind does it. Why you want my cockmeat sandwich so bad.... if that's your thing thats on you he man
Yes, I am able to understand the different severity of actions and adjust my opinion of what is the proper response based on that information.
Stop back talking and just bring the sandwich already.
Irregardless of the severity it's still abuse tough guy.
You just dying to have some cockmeat...
I don't want you to choke
suspension sure, but ruining his career isnt warranted IMO. did he overreact..yes. but that bitch is crazy...she knew what she was doing in provoking him after their breakup and she has gotten exactly what she wanted.
Wife beater!
So you're a 2 pump chump?
Ask your ole lady just before you beat her
You unable to count that high or something?
Count that high for what??? For your satisfaction??? Count it yourself, maybe take notes too.
You were also the biggest cry baby about Ray Rice getting suspended too weren't you???
As you were also the biggest whiner about Peterson getting suspended too, because you endorse behavior like this don't you... Sorry as hell