Think McFly Think
Unaware and Oblivious Member
Did you play the first? One of my favorite changes to combat is that they combined the two lower attack sections into one instead of separate, that alone makes combat so much easier
Yeah, i played the first. Combat was bad, now much better.Did you play the first? One of my favorite changes to combat is that they combined the two lower attack sections into one instead of separate, that alone makes combat so much easier
Oh yeah, he is pretty useful.I still haven’t done the quest to find Mutt yet, I should probably get around to that to level him, he’d be useful for multiple attackers
I tried doing this but it wasn’t leveling my stealth, not sure what I could’ve been doing wrong but I’m not too worried about it, I like this game in the sense that it’s super easy to level by simply playing the game and doing everythingOver in Samine i found a great place to build stealth i went ftom 10 to 20 in no time. Go upstairs by the wall opposite the barn in the Courtyard. There is no door the commander snd guards will be sleeping. Go inside the doorway and up the few steps than turn around and back to the doorway back and forth
Yeah, i don't know why it is working for youI tried doing this but it wasn’t leveling my stealth, not sure what I could’ve been doing wrong but I’m not too worried about it, I like this game in the sense that it’s super easy to level by simply playing the game and doing everything
Yeah the humor is great, sometimes it’s like playing in the world of Monty Python and the Holy Grail. Lol
Actually I think I found what I needed
“It is highly advisable to complete the Blacksmith's chain of quests first (The Blacksmith's Son, The Jaunt, The Hermit) before the Miller's if you are looking to do a completionist run. All three can be completed before heading to the wedding. However, Opus Magnum carries you through the events of the wedding and the main quest, and beyond it. So, it is best to do this quest last among all the others in the Wedding Crashers chain.”
You’re probably way past this point lol
Yeah I think I’ve done everything just about but haven’t gone to wedding yet still but have like 8k Groschen and most of my skills are 15+ with many over 20, I’m definitely ready for the second map, really looking forward to seeing KuttenbergYeah, i completed the blacksmiths jobs and now working on the Miller. I didn’t know that either. There sre a lot of side missions in the first map. Gules in Samine has missions, as well as the, nomad camps missions and poachers missions, et cetera.
I figured I'm trying to do all missions i can before the wedding.
Yeah me too. The events in Castle Trosky and after were pretty badass.Finally, finished the wedding.
Yeah I’ve been playing other stuff until they patch it more.Just hit the second map. Things seem more buggy, performance less smooth.