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Kelvin Benjamin


Apr 22, 2013
Vancouver, WA
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Alright guys, there's one guy I see on the draft board that I just can't look past, and that's Kelvin Benjamin. I saw some of you think he's overrated, I don't know why. He's fast, catches the ball high, is 6'5", can jump, has strong hands, picks apart zone coverages, and can obviously catch in the clutch, as we saw in the BCS National Championship. I don't know what's not too like about this guy. With all due respect, I see Calvin Johnson in this WR. I'm not saying he will be as good as Calvin, but has the potential to be, and at least has the same play style.

I don't see Kelvin being available when the Seahawks pick, but he will be in the 20-28 range. That's where I think we should trade up to. We have guys to trade that are expensive that other teams can handle, with still some left in the tank, such as Chris Clemons, Rice, Bryant, etc. We also have some other trade assets if those dont work. Remember we are the deepest team in the league. We have 4 great starting quality LBs, atleast 6 above average DLineman, and thats just getting started. Those are just examples. I'm not saying we should trade Malcom Smith (or anyone else of similar value) to move up 4-12 spots, I'd be stupid.

Kelvin is exactly what the 'hawks need, a big guy who is physical and goes up to the ball. Someone you can rely on for the jump ball, back endzone catches, and so on. I see a crazy duo of speedy Harvin and big Kelvin that would be a matchup NIGHTMARE for defenses. And they'd still have Kearse, and hopefully Tate and Baldwin to deal with! With a receiver of this type, I really don't see a weakness on the team, not like there was one standing out anyways, as Pete said. I think the Seahawks need to do what's necessary to get this guy.

Here's a little highlights video from last year if you haven't seen much of this guy already:[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LXWjWCzjEiA]Kelvin Benjamin || Florida State Highlights ?? - YouTube[/ame]


Bill Bergen for HoF!
Apr 17, 2013
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Didn't you just post this exact same thing on the draft thread yesterday?

I don't see Seattle going WR in round 1, though I didn't see them going RB in round 2 last year. He is an intriguing player, but until things start to settle after the combine and free agency, we really won't have an idea if he'll be there anywhere near Seattle.


Radical Moderate
Apr 19, 2013
Seattle, Washington
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Kelvin Benjamin has a lot of positive aspects as you mentioned, but along with those positive aspects comes a bundle of negative aspects. My issues with Benjamin is that he is sluggish coming out of his breaks, not a great route runner and has a huge case of the dropsies. Also his technique coming off of the line of scrimmage is a bit poor, despite his impressive size he has struggled at times coming off the line against better press corners, which really surprises me considering his frame and strength.

He actually reminds me a lot of Mike Williams. Not the Mike Williams that ballooned up to 270lbs and got dropped by the Lions but the Mike Williams who caught 65 passes for the Seahawks in 2010.

The Seahawks could do worse at #32 but I personally wouldn't take Benjamin until the 2nd round. He could change my opinion based on his combine/how he performs in his drills, but until then I will have concerns about his ability in the NFL.


Apr 22, 2013
Vancouver, WA
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Alright thanks guys. I see where youre coming from. I was really wondering why noone was really talking about this guy here. Im not worried as about his quickness, just the ability to make that outstanding jump ball catch. The other things can be improved, and his spectacular catch gift is something that comes with instinct and size. Even if he took a year or two to improve like tate, i feel he has a crazy high ceiling. Id love to get him early in the second round, but i just dont see how he will be available still.

And yes, blstoker, nobody was really replying or saying anything, then i realized the last post in that thread was almost two weeks ago, so i figured it was dead or something. I just thought nobody paid attention there anymore, relative to how much the mock draft thread is being used. Sorry for any inconvenience i may have caused.


2018 DCFFL Champion!
Jul 2, 2013
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I think he could be a good pickup if available at 32 but I would not want us to trade up in the draft. We have done such an amazing job finding gems late that I want all the picks we can get. Even trade down to get more if we have to. And grab some more picks in the 2015 draft while we're at it


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May 5, 2013
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I have a got feeling that Kelvin will be off the boards by the time we up to pick him and mike evans are the tallest recievers in the draft. Im pretty big on allen robinson out of penn state though I think he can ball pretty hard.


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May 5, 2013
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Didn't you just post this exact same thing on the draft thread yesterday?

I don't see Seattle going WR in round 1, though I didn't see them going RB in round 2 last year. He is an intriguing player, but until things start to settle after the combine and free agency, we really won't have an idea if he'll be there anywhere near Seattle.

I think the seahawks were just drafting the best player available in the draft because christine michael is looking like a baller every time he gets the rock


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Jul 2, 2013
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I think the Mike Williams comparison is spot on. The 6'5 frame and 4.5 speed is impressive for his size. However, much like Mike Williams...Kelvin Benjamin has some of the same issues.

He's raw, not refined as a route runner, and doesn't have a good work ethic.

I've only seen 4-5 Florida State games this year, but from what I've seen I would say Mike Williams at USC had softer hands, had slightly better game speed (don't care about straight line 40 speed), and got up for the ball at its highest point better than Benjamin.

I wouldn't be totally against drafting Benjamin at our 32 spot but if we were going offense I would make the case that drafting ASJ would be the better option for us. I feel like tight end will be a much bigger need for us than WR.


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Apr 25, 2013
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I like what Benjamin brings from a size aspect, by also agree that asj would be a better pick since he has similar abilities but also provides blocking on the line which we won't have at te if miller is cut.


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Jul 17, 2013
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Benjamin is a tough guy to judge. On one play he is out jumping everybody to make the spectacular catch. On the next he lets a routine five yard pass bounce off his chest. He could be worth a look in the idea that in a few years he could be a very good receiver. His rookie year though I wouldn't expect a whole lot. The guy his a horrible route runner, plays very small for his size trying to catch more passes with his chest than hands, and doesn't use his speed very well. He also can get pushed around by more physical corners so again this guy is a project. Not sure how much you want to risk a 1st round pick on a project but then again being at the end of the 1st most of the guys available will have some kind of question mark on them.


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Oct 14, 2013
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I do not understand why people want ASJ with our first pick. He is NOT a good blocker at all. You see what happened with the Saints with Graham when he played the Hawks? He was out during the plays in which the play involved a TE to block. I would much rather draft a different position or trade back then get ASJ. He is a physical specimen, but I am not sure how good he will be in the NFL. He is not a great blocker, even after all the weight he added before the season started. He is also not fast. He is a good red zone threat. If we do draft him with the 32nd pick, I hope to god I am wrong. I really think our offensive line at either the guard position or right tackle position needs to be addressed. I am fine with Bowie at LG and Bailey at RT, but I can't stand Sweezy at RG. I think he is mediocre, I said MEDIOCRE at best at that position. I really think we need a tall WR. I do like Allen Robinson. While Benjamin had a good bowl game, I am still not high on him. I see a bust or a work in process with him, which we do not have time for because out tallest wideout is Kearse (right? or is Lockette taller)?


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Jul 7, 2013
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Poor work ethic.... not gonna work here, not anymore.


Apr 22, 2013
Vancouver, WA
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Pete has brought in many players with similar problems, and fixed them. I think his work ethic shouldnt be a problem, especially working with and being influenced by wilson the whole time.


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Jul 17, 2013
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Pete has brought in many players with similar problems, and fixed them. I think his work ethic shouldnt be a problem, especially working with and being influenced by wilson the whole time.

Every player is different though. You can't just say because Pete has helped fix guys in the past he can fix this one. People used to say that about BB with the Pats but he has had a ton of players flop that he drafted. Heck they thought he could discipline a guy like Hernandez and keep him under control. We see how that worked out. Some guys it doesn't matter what coach you put them with they are going to flop. I don't know if that is the case here or not. Obviously the coaches and FO get a better idea with the interviews and such than what we ever could.