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James Franklin is tearing Vandy a new one


2nd amendment supporter
Apr 17, 2013
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If I was recruited to Vandy and had the grades to get into that school, i am sticking with Vandy no matter who the coach is. A Vanderbilt education has some clout in the business world and that degree can get you into some places some degree's cant unless you have pull or other experience they are looking for. Vandy is respected in the business world and a kid going to Vandy is a longshot to go on to the NFL, so that degree means alot.


Sic 'em Dawgs ... woof!
Apr 16, 2013
Cary, NC
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Franklin has been suspected of helping cover up a r*pe. I actually think it is a relevant question, given the history. One that PSU admin and fans could certainly do without, but not one that it ridiculous to ask.
The only problem is that there is zero evidence of that. Basically what happened is that the defense counsel asked for all the texts from the coaches. The press then ran with that too mean they thought the coaches were involved. This is crazy ... it would be malpractice to not ask for texts from anyone involved. It's defense tactics 101, part of the discovery request template they do on each and every case ... Please provide any and all emails, texts, phone messages, or any other type of communication in whatever form, between the defendants and the 1) coaches, 2) administrators, 3) family, etc., etc.


Modern Major General
Jul 7, 2013
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On a related note, Vandy reeeealy needs to hire a replacement coach soon before more of their recruits bolt elsewhere.


Roid Raging
Apr 25, 2013
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Roid Raging
Apr 25, 2013
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I thought they were looking at Mason from Stanford. Not sure about his recruiting chops, but he fields some bad ass defenses out of an academic school. On the face of it, it seems like a great fit.

You know how these "multiple league sources" tweets are.

Texas Jefe

Come and take it
Jun 29, 2013
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I don't know, but a Penn State degree is pretty solid. A Vanderbilt degree is good, I know, but a degree at either is good. And just finishing and getting your degree, that is the key point. I think of all my friends at UT, and how many did not finish, or ended up having to go elsewhere to finish. Point is, the talk about degrees, for major college football players, where ever they attend, they need to finish for it to matter.


Working with my wood
Jul 19, 2013
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If I was recruited to Vandy and had the grades to get into that school, i am sticking with Vandy no matter who the coach is. A Vanderbilt education has some clout in the business world and that degree can get you into some places some degree's cant unless you have pull or other experience they are looking for. Vandy is respected in the business world and a kid going to Vandy is a longshot to go on to the NFL, so that degree means alot.

Get out of here with that shit.A kid playing anywhere is a long shot to make it in the NFL. If you can play the NFL will find you.

You make it sound like a degree from Penn state is worthless. There was an article a few years ago from the WSJ that had PSU ranked #1 for businesses recruiting college grads.


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► 0:03► 0:03
[ame="www.youtube.com/watch?v=6XDe1qa2On0"]Come To Penn State!!! - YouTube[/ame]
Aug 23, 2011 - Uploaded by wilgre21
RAW VIDEO: Joe Paterno talks to Penn State students from his windowby ... Big Ten ...


is a little bit warmer
Dec 18, 2009
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This thread is meant to be about football but since some continue to harp on Vandy being a better degree for some reason, allow me to put a comparable stat up.

PSU has over 161,000 people in a paid alumni association, the largest of its kind. Keep in mind thats just those that choose to continue to donate.

Vandy has 126,000 living alumni with about 20,000 still in Nashville. Thats alumni total.

Perhaps a degree from Vandy may be looked higher upon depending on what type it is, but ask yourself which network you would rather be in. PSU is drastically larger.


Sic 'em Dawgs ... woof!
Apr 16, 2013
Cary, NC
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This thread is meant to be about football but since some continue to harp on Vandy being a better degree for some reason, allow me to put a comparable stat up.

PSU has over 161,000 people in a paid alumni association, the largest of its kind. Keep in mind thats just those that choose to continue to donate.

Vandy has 126,000 living alumni with about 20,000 still in Nashville. Thats alumni total.

Perhaps a degree from Vandy may be looked higher upon depending on what type it is, but ask yourself which network you would rather be in. PSU is drastically larger.
The network is a lot more than just size. It's about geographic spread - advantage Vandy, and where those alumni are and what influence they have. I've not said a single negative thing about PSU and won't start now. But, as a general comparison and everything else equal, having a Vanderbilt academic pedigree is better than a PSU pedigree outside of the PSU footprint. Just as having played football at PSU is better than having played football at Vandy. That's my biased opinion.


is a little bit warmer
Dec 18, 2009
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The network is a lot more than just size. It's about geographic spread - advantage Vandy, and where those alumni are and what influence they have. I've not said a single negative thing about PSU and won't start now. But, as a general comparison and everything else equal, having a Vanderbilt academic pedigree is better than a PSU pedigree outside of the PSU footprint. Just as having played football at PSU is better than having played football at Vandy. That's my biased opinion.

I'm not going to get into an argument over this, but there is no way that your 126,000 spreads better than this.


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Jul 2, 2013
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The network is a lot more than just size. It's about geographic spread - advantage Vandy, and where those alumni are and what influence they have. I've not said a single negative thing about PSU and won't start now. But, as a general comparison and everything else equal, having a Vanderbilt academic pedigree is better than a PSU pedigree outside of the PSU footprint. Just as having played football at PSU is better than having played football at Vandy. That's my biased opinion.

i am starting to think that this guy simply doesn't have a clue and is nothing more than a pathetic troll


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Jul 2, 2013
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personally I think there are 5 schools that I would list tier 1 academically for FBS


a vandy degree is better than a PSU degree, but it is negligible difference at best as both are phenomenal degrees to have. but for someone to say that the alumni base of vandy > PSU means that they really don't have a clue as to what they are talking about.


Sic 'em Dawgs ... woof!
Apr 16, 2013
Cary, NC
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I'm not going to get into an argument over this, but there is no way that your 126,000 spreads better than this.
Think about where the Vanderbilt student body comes from, and then where they return to. Its a national university, not a state university. If I had the time, I'd run down my 25 frat brothers, which is a small but representative sample. Only 2 or 3 live in Nashville. The rest are all over the country.

Look I went to UGa specifically because I wanted to practice in the Atlanta area, so it made sense to go to a state school. So, I've seen both sides of this.

And, again, this isn't a slam on PSU. It's a fine institution and it's graduates will do just fine.


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Jul 2, 2013
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Think about where the Vanderbilt student body comes from, and then where they return to. Its a national university, not a state university. If I had the time, I'd run down my 25 frat brothers, which is a small but representative sample. Only 2 or 3 live in Nashville. The rest are all over the country.

Look I went to UGa specifically because I wanted to practice in the Atlanta area, so it made sense to go to a state school. So, I've seen both sides of this.

And, again, this isn't a slam on PSU. It's a fine institution and it's graduates will do just fine.

PSU has 30% of its students out of state, for UGA that number is 9%

trying to compare the two and say "psu is just another state university like UGA" is ridiculous.

while the are both state universities the demographic makeup of their student body/alumni base is vastly different


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Jul 3, 2013
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I suspect you guys are saying the same thing, however just can't agree. As I see it, everyone agrees that Vandy has a slightly better academic program and Penn State's football program is much larger and produces a lot more NFL players. Both have beautiful campuses; however Penn State's is much larger; some 8,500 acres. It all comes down to what type of environment one wants to be; large city or a rural setting. What's not to like about either place?
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i am starting to think that this guy simply doesn't have a clue and is nothing more than a pathetic troll

You calling someone a "pathetic troll."


"Just because LawDawg graduated from Vanderbilt 15 years before I was born doesn't mean he knows more about it than I do." - john01992
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Sic 'em Dawgs ... woof!
Apr 16, 2013
Cary, NC
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I suspect you guys are saying the same thing, however just can't agree. As I see it, everyone agrees that Vandy has a slightly better academic program and Penn State's football program is much larger and produces a lot more NFL players. Both have beautiful campuses; however Penn State's is much larger; some 8,500 acres. It all comes down to what type of environment one wants to be; large city or a rural setting. What's not to like about either place?
Again, I am not putting down PSU. I am aware that the B1G schools have vast networks of alumni based on the fact that they have been very large state universities for years. I am confident that helps when networking for a job. What Vandy has going for it is that their student body is incredibly geographically diverse to begin with, and many if not most of those people head back home after graduation or grad school. As small as Vandy is, we have somewhere near 44 alumni chapters all over the US.

I can't agree on the slightly better academic program. PSU's average student has a B average, combined SAT of 1600, and composite ACT of 22. Vandy is A average, combined SAT of 1850, and composite ACT of 26. That's a significantly different academic experience. Interestingly, I am pretty confident I couldn't get into Vandy today based on where I was in high school. Also, when generalizing about schools, I am well aware there are many PSU students who could get into Vandy and would excel there. As a friend of mine who did his undergrad work at UGa once told me, anyone can get just as good an academic experience at a state school as they can at the private school, it's just that they have to work harder to do it. At Vandy it's study first, party second. His experience at UGa, that he had to work around, was party first, study second. That resonated with me even if my grades indicated a party and study tied for first attitude. Finally, with state schools a lot of it depends on what program you are in. As an example, NC State is not in the top 100 national universities, while Vandy is 16th. Yet, if you compare NC State's engineering programs to Vandy, NCState is ranked higher than Vandy.

I totally agree on the experience. I had the pleasure of doing my undergrad work at Vandy, a small campus nestled in a big city, and law school at UGa, a large state school in a small college town. It was a great way to do school getting to see both ways of having fun and learning. As you can tell, I am a Dawg fan because it is a pretty easy decision between Vandy and Uga on the athletic side.