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Is this a sign of trouble or just bringing intensity?


License to Thrill
Aug 31, 2011
Hoopla Cash
$ 287.82
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Pete Carroll coaches with positive reinforcement and not discipline. His players will tend to be a little unruly. He encourages competition. Now that his team has tasted the title, he is even more laid back and in Hollywood, act like a fucking professional, but let em get a little wild cruise control.

I like the Seahawks to win it all again. It's Pete's M.O. They will be hungry for number two like when he throttled OU.


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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I believe this has a lot to do with the lack of "contact" under the new CBA. Yep i do, with out the ability to go out there and just smack someone in full pads they have to let up with no contact. Then you got Defenders hooting how they had them and offensive players hooting how that was a huge play that would have gone for a TD and how they got torched etc etc. Then the players turn it up a notch "with out pads" and things can get ugly like this. This is a contact sport and these are gladiators out there. You take away the "deciding factors ( tackling )" and they will get chippy.

All i know is i hated no contact practices, it put me in a bad mood with no release. Where as in full pads i could release any angst i had in 1 play and have a instant fix. Expect more fights around the league with less and less contact practices people.


Creedence Fanatic
Jul 2, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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This happens every year in camps. I remember an old interview with Bum Phillips and he said something to the effect that if he didn't see at least a half dozen fights break out during camps, he was worried.


Creedence Fanatic
Jul 2, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
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Pete Carroll coaches with positive reinforcement and not discipline. His players will tend to be a little unruly. He encourages competition. Now that his team has tasted the title, he is even more laid back and in Hollywood, act like a fucking professional, but let em get a little wild cruise control.

I like the Seahawks to win it all again. It's Pete's M.O. They will be hungry for number two like when he throttled OU.

When Pete was at SC, it was not uncommon for the Trojans to get multiple personal foul penalties during a game. He basically said that the level of intensity he wants from his players will sometimes lead to penalties. But sitting in the stands and watching these penalties either keeping the opponent's drive alive, or killing one of ours, was frustrating as hell.