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Is anyone as sick of Bill Simmons as me?


Still a Heat fan
Apr 16, 2013
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the celtics wanted Doc gone too. he was owed 7 million. pay him 7 million and miss the playoffs? or get draft picks, pay another coach much less, and still miss the playoffs.

trust me, the Celtics owner is very happy doc and his 7 million are out the door. but doc should own it like bill simmons says. i dont lose respect for him if he said i dont want to rebuild. the team is bad, but good enough to not get a good lotto pick ensuring more bad years. hopeless struggle.


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Apr 18, 2013
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the celtics wanted Doc gone too. he was owed 7 million. pay him 7 million and miss the playoffs? or get draft picks, pay another coach much less, and still miss the playoffs.

trust me, the Celtics owner is very happy doc and his 7 million are out the door. but doc should own it like bill simmons says. i dont lose respect for him if he said i dont want to rebuild. the team is bad, but good enough to not get a good lotto pick ensuring more bad years. hopeless struggle.

But he just signed the 5yr extension 2yrs ago. It wasn't like PP and KG were going to get younger over the next 5yrs.

There was no "surprise" all of a sudden for Rivers. The scenario unfolded like it was projected to....players are older than they were 2yrs ago. Then, there's probably going to be rebuliding period near the end of my contract.


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May 11, 2013
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Why is Bill Simmons all butt hurt about this anyways?


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Why is Bill Simmons all butt hurt about this anyways?

Because Doc Rivers is lying and calling him names. You'd be mad too when your reputation is crucial to your livelihood. Doc Rivers is an arrogant ass and he looks really bad right now.


"Duff Man…Oh Yeah!"
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Bill Simmons has always been a whiny sniffling little bitch, I'm glad Doc called him out last season. I don't blame Doc for wanting out of Boston. Danny Ainge did a shit job of putting together a title contending team after he formed the Big 3 and the roster was getting older. As a Heat fan, Danny Ainge was our MVP in the Heat's Big 3's first year together by getting rid of Perkins for Jeff Green.

I don't blame Doc for wanting out of Boston...and I don't blame Simmons for being bothered by the inevitable shadiness that comes with such a move.

I think the media is making a bigger deal out of this than it's worth. Break-ups our messy. Shocker.


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I think the media is making a bigger deal out of this than it's worth.

True, but no one was twisting Glenn's arm when he went on camera and said "I'm not going to call Simmons an idiot because I'm too classy for that" and then proceeded to call him a liar.


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May 11, 2013
DC of Mexico
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Any one want to fill me in on the history of events? It looked to me like Doc was defending himself against allegations of quitting on Boston by Bill Simmons.

In which case I think Simmons should just drop it, who gives a fuck, talk to us about X's and O's.


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May 11, 2013
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Simmons a douche, Doc has the right to defend himself.


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Apr 17, 2013
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I'm not saying Doc is not in the wrong at all on this. But who the fuck is Bill Simmons to throw his weight around on this subject? Doc did sign an extension, but I'm sure this was based on the direction of the team and their ability to compete. If anything Doc did them a favor by wanting out of Boston. No sense in paying one of the top coaches in the league top money when you're in full rebuild mode which Boston is now in.

Who knows what was said between Ainge and Rivers? I know Simmons sure as hell doesn't know. I'm also sure that Doc Rivers and Danny Ainge didn't exactly get along. Such as when Perkins was traded because they had a 38-year old Shaq they thought they could rely upon.


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But who the fuck is Bill Simmons to throw his weight around on this subject?

In which case, Glenn shuts the fuck up and stops initiating shit like he's been doing. It'll die as soon as Doc stops thumping his chest and calling Simmon's juvenile names.


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He more or less pulled a Carmello and forced his way out of his contract with the Celtics.

Bro it's mutual between the organization, Danny and the fans. No one is upset.


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I'm not saying Doc is not in the wrong at all on this. But who the fuck is Bill Simmons to throw his weight around on this subject? Doc did sign an extension, but I'm sure this was based on the direction of the team and their ability to compete. If anything Doc did them a favor by wanting out of Boston. No sense in paying one of the top coaches in the league top money when you're in full rebuild mode which Boston is now in.

Who knows what was said between Ainge and Rivers? I know Simmons sure as hell doesn't know. I'm also sure that Doc Rivers and Danny Ainge didn't exactly get along. Such as when Perkins was traded because they had a 38-year old Shaq they thought they could rely upon.

Bill Simmons has no reason to talk.


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Bill Simmons has no reason to talk.

Yes, he does. He's a member of the media and its his job to express his opinions on the game whether its negative or positive. Too often media members just kiss ass and never call anyone out. It's refreshing to see it.

I'm riding with Simmons on this one. "Quit" may be a bit harsh but Doc is by no means an innocent in the entire ordeal, which is what he's trying to portray. He's trying to protect his image and appease both fan bases by saying he was just indecisive about coaching Boston or walking away. And in that time Danny Ainge found an offer that would help both sides and it would be beneficial to both sides. That's a damn lie. As soon as the season ended Doc was checked out. Stephen A Smith even reported the KG/Doc deal back in MAY, a full month before it happened so this didn't just appear out of nowhere. He was sending out signals to test the waters. Doc wanted to go to LA, he didn't want to be on the Cs any more, so he remained indecisive about staying in Boston until Ainge and Boston had no choice but to explore options.

There's nothing wrong with wanting to leave. What's wrong is Doc is lying to try to protect his image. His story has changed over the last couple of weeks and he's hoping his friends in the national media will cover for him. And many of them will. He golfs with them, goes to restaurants, gives good interviews, etc and media members love it so they won't speak any ill will towards him no matter if he's in the wrong or not. he knew a rebuild was coming years ago. But he signed a contract anyway (he wanted to get paid) and when it finally came, he forced his way out. Like Simmons said, just own it. It's not that big a deal but you make a bigger deal out of it by trying to come up with new stories to sugarcoat it.

FWIW, some of this stems because of past columns in the mid 00s were Simmons absolutely trashed Doc for not being a good coach so apparently Doc still holds a grudge. To be fair, he wasn't that good coach prior to 2008 but he did grow into it. It's rare, but he pulled it off.


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He's trying to protect his image and appease both fan bases by saying he was just indecisive about coaching Boston or walking away. And in that time Danny Ainge found an offer that would help both sides and it would be beneficial to both sides. That's a damn lie.

Thank you.

There's nothing wrong with wanting to leave. What's wrong is Doc is lying to try to protect his image. His story has changed over the last couple of weeks and he's hoping his friends in the national media will cover for him. And many of them will. He golfs with them, goes to restaurants, gives good interviews, etc and media members love it so they won't speak any ill will towards him no matter if he's in the wrong or not. he knew a rebuild was coming years ago. But he signed a contract anyway (he wanted to get paid) and when it finally came, he forced his way out. Like Simmons said, just own it. It's not that big a deal but you make a bigger deal out of it by trying to come up with new stories to sugarcoat it.

I'd vote this to be the SportsHoopla Post of the Day. Pure gold. :10:


Kyrie Hater
Apr 17, 2013
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Bro it's mutual between the organization, Danny and the fans. No one is upset.

The move is clearly in the best interest of everyone and the Celtics got a good deal.

See WildTurkey's post. He pretty much nailed everything.


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Apr 18, 2013
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Bill Simmons is mad because he's been the nerd at the table with Magic, Wilbon and Rose forever. He's tired of people telling him how wrong he is all the time.


Go Home Run Heels!
Apr 16, 2013
Marietta, GA
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It seems to me that the Celtics ended up with the short end of the stick out of everything that's happened. Am I alone in that thought?


Kyrie Hater
Apr 17, 2013
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It seems to me that the Celtics ended up with the short end of the stick out of everything that's happened. Am I alone in that thought?

I think it all depends on what they do next. If they don't make any more aggressive moves, then yes.


You can be anything
May 11, 2013
DC of Mexico
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All of the stuff that Doc knew about and the story is changing is also to protect the Celtics. Of course Doc knew about them shopping players.

But you can not say anything and if that gets out then they aren't traded then we are talking about a huge shit storm from your 2 franchise players.

The real problem here is that the media even talks about it and that we are discussing it. It is a business and people get hurt feelings.