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Interesting Murrray Stat


Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2013
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Running the ball in the second half could have chewed up the clock more in certain games but there was never a chance in which we could have just ran it 3 times and punted it and the game was over. I saw Detroit go 80 yds in 30 seconds - so Im not sure we really ever wanted the defense on the field unless we were up 2 scores. Our offense -QB, Head Coach, OC- should take some blame but ever since the Giant game 2 seasons ago- the defense cant be trusted.

And that is the difference between being short sighted like our HC and QB were and understanding the big picture. We had many possessions to tick away enough time so that by the end of the game we could have just ran it 3 times and ran out the clock. Time management is lacking on the Dalllas sideline. We play the game like each individual play must be successful instead of worrying about winning the game...If you are up big the clock is your biggest ally.


Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2013
Texas by the Grace of God
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then there are the times a team is up big and sit on the ball and lose the game.

every game is a different chapter.