I'm So High Right Now
Saw this last night, and thought it was funny:
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Of course everyone cares about the situation in Texas. The Boston thing was a much more fluid situation...constant updates, an unstable situation. The Texas explosion is just as sad. We all realize that. It's horrible.
Yeah, it wasn't really directed at you, just more of a general statement. I tend to piss people off when I talk about the US government's foreign policy, so I have to choose my words carefully.
Saw this last night, and thought it was funny:
How true "They attacked a MacDonalds because they were mad at America, makes sense, An offensive cartoon from a Danish guy that's reprinted in France, Germany and Turkey so naturally it's out fault!"...makes sense.
Good line.
Edit: I didn't get the quote right but close enough.
100% agree. I'm not sure of the agencies and/or politicians want all these financial doings coming out though.
As for attacking the root, that can be interpreted in different ways. In many parts of the world (I've been to my share of these places) the US is perceived as a violent, evil and greedy neo-colonial power. This perception, be it justified or not, needs to be thoroughly explored. Honest questions need to be asked as to why so much hatred is focused on the USA. This examination has typically ended at the standard "they hate our freedom" or "they're jealous of our wealth as a nation". That's no longer good enough. These qualities apply to countries who are far less frequently targeted by these groups of people.
The US government needs to honestly and openly try to figure out what is fueling hatred towards itself and its people. If it happens to be self-induced then obviously widespread changes need to be made. Misconceptions about how evil the US is at regional scales worldwide need to de-bunked. In short, the image of the US on a global scale has been in need of an overhaul for some time. As a preventative measure, in the interest of its citizens safety, the US govt. needs to expend resources and some of its considerable brain power uprooting the underlying perceptions and misconceptions that are feeding all the hate.
Yeah, it wasn't really directed at you, just more of a general statement. I tend to piss people off when I talk about the US government's foreign policy, so I have to choose my words carefully.
Saw this last night, and thought it was funny:
Russia probably reports everyone who comes to the US.
The media can :hdn: all they want, but there's nothing to that. No one wants to limit the red tape and free the three letter agencies to actually investigate the right way, and the list of people is hundreds of thousands.
Thanks to the Sequester, some agents aren't allowed to travel. So interviews with suspicious people (read: Farmers buying supplies) are happening over the phone.
If they answer.
Semi-related. I love it when returning to the US from international travel and there's a question on the immigration form asking if you are now or have ever been affiliated with a terrorist organization.
Seriously, who would check yes on that?
Recruiter: Now, are either of you homosexuals?
John Winger: [John and Russell look at each other] You mean, like, flaming, or...
Recruiter: Well, it's a standard question we have to ask.
Russell Ziskey: No, we're not homosexual, but we are *willing to learn*.
John Winger: Yeah, would they send us someplace special?
Recruiter: I guess that's "no" on both. Now if you could just give Uncle Sam your autograph...
Semi-related. I love it when returning to the US from international travel and there's a question on the immigration form asking if you are now or have ever been affiliated with a terrorist organization.
Seriously, who would check yes on that?