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In prediction news...

Jan 6, 2011
The Cheeseburger Express (RIP)
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
Fav. Team #1
From NBC sports

NBA Season Preview: Toronto Raptors

Rob Mahoney

Last season: 22-60. It was even uglier than it sounds.

Head Coach: Dwane Casey, who will finally get another crack at a head coaching gig. Casey seemed to be unfairly typecast as an assistant over the last few seasons, but the Raptors have brought him in on the strength of a championship-worthy defensive system. Casey’s man-zone hybrid defenses were a big reason why there was a parade in Dallas this past summer, and the Raps are hoping to instill the same kind of innovative defensive structure.

Key Departures: Sonny Weems, Reggie Evans, Julian Wright

Key Additions: Rasual Butler, Jamaal Magloire. Oddly enough, this is not a bad thing.

Best case scenario: The Raps take full inventory of all of the various pieces in their collection, decide on a true core for the team, and find a few bites on the trade line. There’s no rush of any kind in Toronto; Bryan Colangelo can explore every single possibility out there, while Casey slowly gets the young guys (Andrea Bargnani, DeMar DeRozan, et al) up to speed on their defensive fundamentals.

For that to happen: The Raps need to continue doing exactly what they’ve been doing. It’s almost strange to say it at this point, but credit Toronto for not seeing this season as some critical launch point, and credit Colangelo for electing to fill out his roster with low-salary, low-risk players. Many basketball fans have an instinctive, adverse reaction to any team signing Jamaal Magloire, but at this particular juncture, he legitimately makes sense for the Raptors. Toronto is taking aim for next season — when prized draft pick Jonas Valanciunas will make his way to the NBA — giving little reason to invest or trade for alternative center options. Magloire isn’t good, but he’s cheap…and Canadian, which certainly doesn’t hurt. He’s not the answer, but he also won’t be any kind of problem.

This isn’t a team trying to scrap toward 35 wins with the books as forfeit, but a team being mindful of its future as it attempts a slow rebuild. It can be an arduous process, but barring a Draft night home run, it’s what must be done.

More likely, the Raptors will: See above. There’s only one direction for Toronto to go right now, painful as that might be for Raptors fans.

Prediction: 18-48, but hopefully with a brighter future.
Jan 6, 2011
The Cheeseburger Express (RIP)
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
Fav. Team #1
Pretty spot on, I checked the salaries of all the loaners for this year and they're ridiculously cheap. The tank is definitely in and I'll be stoked if we get the first pick.

Having said that, key departures: Julian Wright...is this guy high?

Marco Doubypops

Road Commentary Specalist
Jan 9, 2011
Kingston, Ontario/ London, Ontario
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
Fav. Team #1
I'm not sure that I've ever been so excited to be so bad.

Sonny leaving I do not agree with at all, though it gives us both the 1 and the 3 positions to look at in the next draft. I'm really hoping for a Point Guard though. We do NOT need another big man.
Jan 6, 2011
The Cheeseburger Express (RIP)
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
Fav. Team #1
I'm not sure that I've ever been so excited to be so bad.

Sonny leaving I do not agree with at all, though it gives us both the 1 and the 3 positions to look at in the next draft. I'm really hoping for a Point Guard though. We do NOT need another big man.

Apparently the next draft is going to be pretty PF heavy...top 10 has literally no point guards at all the last time I checked :(

Having said that, the PFs they have coming in this year, according to scouts, are superstar-like and the talent is loaded too. Either that, or it's SAVE US HARRISON BARNES 2012