Black Adam
Cowards WILL BE cowards..
If you say so, but what you won't/ can't do is name another team.
and why would i? this is YOUR childish game of "let's poke fun at the Lakers" to get everyone to NOT talk about LeClown, so why would i participate...?
Let's not forget, the Lakers were NBA champs not that long ago and have had the mindset to try to get Kobe #6 the last few seasons.
They have made wrong/ bad move after wrong/ bad move for quite some time.
er, you truly ARE a slow study. everyone has said that they made necessary moves, but for one reason or another they didn't pan out. DO tell me what YOU would've done soooo different, oh genius? oh, i know...amnesty Kobe...:rollseyes:
dude, try this tiresome crap on somebody else...