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I love Sherman


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Jul 22, 2013
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Steelers fan here, but I'm definitely pulling for the Hawks in the Super Bowl. I think they've built their team the right way.

I also absolutely love Sherm. Guy is the best DB in the league and it's not even close imo. The guy is supremely confident which is something all DBs need. Love the way he plays the game. He's also a very classy and well spoken guy off the field.


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Apr 23, 2013
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You either love him or hate him. There is no in between.

I am glad he is one of us.

Nah, there is an in between. I love him as a player, but his taunting of Crabtree (handshake attempt and pat on ass as well as choke sign to Kaep) and comments after the game are immature.

I understand he has a beef with the guy, but he could have had the entire world talking about his incredible play and focus and the fact that he meant to tip it to Smith, but now everyone just sees his stupid rant. Is it a mastermind plan to keep the media away from the rest of the team for two weeks, or is it a petty, immature ego game with Crabs that he got to have the last word on this season? I am inclined to think the latter. Even his defense of the situation in Sports Illustrated this morning is like a 12 year old making excuses for bad behavior. "But he started it!" wah wah, be a man and show respect to everyone, even if you don't like them or respect them yourself. It is the mature, professional thing to do.


Jul 2, 2013
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the histrionic nature of him shrieking out every sentence is just funny

Mr. Tacoma

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From his weekly article:

"One thing I can’t accept is what I read after the game about Seahawks fans throwing food at 49ers linebacker NaVorro Bowman as he was being carted off the field with his knee injury. If it’s true, it’s beyond terrible. That’s as low as it gets. I’m sure whoever did this is in a small minority of fans, because I don’t think that kind of action is an accurate representation of the character of the 12th man. NaVorro Bowman is a great player who plays the game the right way. When he went down, I dropped to a knee and prayed for him. He deserves better than having food thrown at him as he’s carted off a field. All players deserve better than that."

There's that classless Sherman for you.
Richard Sherman explains the Crabtree incident and postgame interview | The MMQB with Peter King


I love Beer.
Jul 3, 2013
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So I was listening to the Dan Patrick Show this morning and they had Erin Andrews on and she said and I qoute "He lost his mind, it was awesome!" So apparently she enjoyed Sherman speaking his mind and not being all politically correct.

Also seeing as she thought it was great and wasn't scared. She is my dream woman! :whistle:


LOL at 42-13, 29-3, 19-3
Nov 20, 2012
Seattle, WA
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Aug 8, 2013
Silverdale, WA
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So I was listening to the Dan Patrick Show this morning and they had Erin Andrews on and she said and I qoute "He lost his mind, it was awesome!" So apparently she enjoyed Sherman speaking his mind and not being all politically correct.

Also seeing as she thought it was great and wasn't scared. She is my dream woman! :whistle:

They played that on the 12th Man Mania Show tonight also. From what I remember, she also admitted that she went and pulled him aside not long after the game ended to get his reaction while basically still in game mode. She also said that when he alluded to someone disrespecting him, she had a good idea on who he was talking about, but instead of naming the player, wanted to draw it out of him so it didn't appear she was leading him to the answer. She and Fox knew exactly what they were doing. They wanted to get something raw and something other than the standard canned answers they normally get. She admitted that on his show. She also said that she wasn't afraid of him at all, and look on her face that everyone is talking about, she said that she was thinking of some other questions to ask him before she was cut off and it went back to the booth.

Now when I first heard his answer, I was like, "Who pissed in Sherman's Wheaties" and started laughing. What he said really didn't bother me all that much, and I didn't see the choke signal he did initially.


LOL at 42-13, 29-3, 19-3
Nov 20, 2012
Seattle, WA
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And the shirts already go on sale. :nod:



12 > 49
May 22, 2013
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I love Sherm and I've been one of his apologists for 2 years now, but on this instance I think it was just a little too much. Not that I think what he said was out of line, but I think what he said was just too emotional to make his point clear.

Go back to his original trash talking. The picture was the "U mad bro?" to Tom Brady but Sherman clarified that the reason was Brady talked shit first. Sherman beat him and just gave Brady what he asked for. That made it clear why he was talking.

Skip Bayless? Nobody respects that guy so Sherman should say whatever he wants.

Revis? Sherman said you weren't among the best right now. You got mad about it while you were fucking out for the year. Sherman was right. What are you gonna do on one leg?!

Sunday though. The general public has no idea that Crabtree tried to start a fight at a charity even or that he was (probably) talking shit all game long while he had no effect on the game. Sherman got too emotional and didn't provide that context to anyone while he did his thing.

I still love him and I think he's not only the best CB in the league, but a very smart, tactical trash talker. I just think this instance missed the mark in terms of the public understanding there's more to it than Sherman being a lunatic.


12 > 49
May 22, 2013
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I just want to add that if you honestly believe Sherman went to Crabtree immediately after that play to shake his hand out of genuine sportsmanship, expecting to get a nice polite handshake, you're out of your mind. He was obviously rubbing it in, which is absolutely fine by me and classic Richard Sherman.

Just don't pretend like Crabtree was being an ass for shoving him aside and don't spin it as Sherman showing sportsmanship and getting denied by a "poor sport." Sherm knew what he was doing there.


Bill Bergen for HoF!
Apr 17, 2013
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I just want to add that if you honestly believe Sherman went to Crabtree immediately after that play to shake his hand out of genuine sportsmanship, expecting to get a nice polite handshake, you're out of your mind. He was obviously rubbing it in, which is absolutely fine by me and classic Richard Sherman.

Just don't pretend like Crabtree was being an ass for shoving him aside and don't spin it as Sherman showing sportsmanship and getting denied by a "poor sport." Sherm knew what he was doing there.

Actually, I'm more of the opinion that it was Sherman being Sherman AND that Crabtree was being an ass. I'm totally fine with that exchange, and have absolutely no problem with it. I don't have a problem with the rant or anything else that everyone is talking about. The only thing I have an issue with is the choke sign, and that's just because it's a penalty. The only thing that makes any of this news worthy is that Richard Sherman was involved, it really wasn't that bad.


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Apr 25, 2013
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Lets face it, nobody is ever going to like us. Not the media, not NFL fans in general, not the NFL itself. So let Sherman do what he does, its not hurting the team and it makes our victory all the more sweet.

I like our team being the big bad villain that beats everyone up and steals their lunch money.


Conocido Miembro
Apr 21, 2013
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Fans of every other team pretend like they would all be completely ashamed of this dude all the time. What they fail to realize is that if they were fans of his team, they would know all that we know about him, not just a handful of soundbites. Sure there are times that we :L over things that he says, but those instances pale in comparison to the examples that he gives us to be proud that we have him on our team and in our community.