Soooo, does anybody even neg Leader anymore?
Seems like I piss people off more now than he does.
You losing your touch, LOC?
not really, sir
only time I negged Leader I made this thread
yeh, there are 2-3 clowns that do routinely lol
Wonder what Ole Juice is up to?
Ive never negged him, hes negged me. I guess I do owe him some neg one day. At least he's not getting gang banged like OD
So how do we get this thread rated 5 stars?
Hey...that reminds me, Leader NEGGED me a couple days ago. I didn't even reciprocate!
nope. lies.
Leader actually repped me the other day, I was pleasantly surprised.
Wonder what Ole Juice is up to?
I had to speak to a big group last night...'bout 400 of 'em.After 20 years of doing it, I still hate public speaking. I'm good at it and the deal almost always goes well and I feel good about it afterward. But it ruins the entire day before worrying about it. Sux.
Friend of mine is a shrink (Bronco Prater's dad) and said the politicians and pastors all use this wafer/drug that dissolves on your tongue and takes the edge off in minutes...and only stays in the bloodstream for a few hours. But I just don't want to get into all that shit. Too much hassle to go to Walgreens I guess.
I usually like public speaking. I'm a microphone hog.
You ever take that shit? I would prevent my entire day from being ruined by sweatin' a big deal like yesterday. But I'm kinda' sassy - wouldn't want to get so relaxed I burp or scratch my nuts in front of a large group...or refer to a stupid question as a "stupid question."
I heard Bolivian Marching Powder works great.