Sarcastic F-wad
What is the poker scene like in Tahoe vs Reno?
This Winter, you're probably right.
What is the poker scene like in Tahoe vs Reno?
from my experience, horrible. lost 25 bucks on one hand and went back to blackjack.
hahaha. it wasnt a fair judgement tbh. i havent been to tahoe since turning 21. Reno was pretty awesome though. gotta say.
That's all?
Heck, I lost about $800 on a single hand once...
Dude, I went to Nevada; Reno is a fucking cultural armpit. Tahoe is MUCH nicer.
LHG and Crusher are still over there.
I have no idea why.
JAs ... all of you are just spiteful, racist, uneducated JAs. Dirty is gone is so is our superior pitching. Cain blows chunks. Always blew chunks. Will always blow chunks. A complete waste. Look at his W-L record. LOSER! Facking LOSER! What the hell do we still have freaking Schierouts for? He also sucks! Look at the route he took to that ball. Freaking pathetic! We let the best player in all of MLB walk. We need to bring AU back. Speed folks ... that's what it's all about. AU is the fastest human alive. You are all racist homos ... you hate Latinos. You will never learn. I AM baseball!
That's better. Reminds me of the Disney boards ......
And this reminds me of the glorious days following the extraction of my wisdom teeth.
How in the world did that board attract Nolan and Tito, and the long forgotten Portuguese Water Dog?
God knows, but I love how my common sense got mod deleted, yet me be antagonistic for the sake of has lasted all day.
Am I being theor is this just really bad English?
English bad is, it.
haha. jus saw tzills posts on the shit board. i love when he bullies the pant shatters. lmao.