Radical Moderate
Now that they are back to actually having a fucking game instead of a spring showcase or whatever the fuck, I'd expect more to show up. Hard to say how many and I wouldn't expect a 'sell out' or packed house even if it's free. Petersen's sudden departure and lack of that exciting marquee name might tamp down the crowds a bit.
Lake needs to have a strong year and build a QB and skill players that bring some fire to the Montlake faithfull and next years will pack them in.
I've never gone to the Spring Preview or whatever before, but now I actually might attend it.
I understand that Petersen didn't want to expose too many details about the roster/schemes, but having a real spring game makes a lot of sense. I get that it comes down to Petersen's discretion, but I'm surprised Petersen wasn't pressured to have a real spring game.
I know I'm probably looking at this the wrong way, but this could be a great opportunity to generate revenue for the athletic department. Give the season ticket holders a reason to show up - they'll spend money on concessions - and then charge a cheap admission fee to everyone else and perhaps someone who has never attended a game before might have a reason to buy tickets in the future. Just my two cents.