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Honest Question: When do you expect the Bears to be good again?

Beengay fudgepackers

Packin since 1919
Sep 12, 2013
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I seriously think we are going to stink for a while. I think the bears will suck long after jay leaves. I think if we do have any success, it will be flukey years in which we crumble in the playoffs. I'm just fed up with Phillips and the mccaskeys. Find someone who knows what the fuck they are doing or sell the goddamn team. I'm starting to take the same approach with the bears as I take with the Cubs. I won't ever get my hopes up until they show me they are good for an extended period of time.


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Tampa Bay needs bandwagoneers ....head on down. Us Bear fans won't miss you

Beengay fudgepackers

Packin since 1919
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Tampa Bay needs bandwagoneers ....head on down. Us Bear fans won't miss you

Sorry buddy, it's not an option for me. Just because the bears suck doesn't mean I can jump ship. I inherited this curse, and will always be a fan of this awful franchise. Sorry about being a realist, but this franchise needs to make some changes higher up than GM.


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Realist is something you are not. For 1 you think the McCaskeys are the problem. WRONG. 2. You can't see a special teams coach being a great fit for this team....WRONG

Beengay fudgepackers

Packin since 1919
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Realist is something you are not. For 1 you think the McCaskeys are the problem. WRONG. 2. You can't see a special teams coach being a great fit for this team....WRONG

What have the mccaskeys done so well? Why do the bears always suck through different GMs and head coaches? Please, enlighten me. It is the mccaskeys. Even if you blame ted Phillips, it's the mccaskeys fault for letting him run things for so long.


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The McCaskeys have made the Bears into a billion dollar company. THAT IS THE JOB OF THE MCCASKEYS. The problems with the the actually play on the field have nothing to do with the McCaskeys. You could not have done any better yourself. The GM screwed up and got fired. The coach screwed up and got fired. What more can you ask for? If you think it's that easy put you damn application in and let's see how far you get. All you are doing is using hindsight. SMDH

Beengay fudgepackers

Packin since 1919
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The McCaskeys have made the Bears into a billion dollar company. THAT IS THE JOB OF THE MCCASKEYS. The problems with the the actually play on the field have nothing to do with the McCaskeys. You could not have done any better yourself. The GM screwed up and got fired. The coach screwed up and got fired. What more can you ask for? If you think it's that easy put you damn application in and let's see how far you get. All you are doing is using hindsight. SMDH

The mccaskeys don't have to do much to make the bears into a billion dollar company. The NFL and the city of Chicago can basically do that with out much help.

You can ask for them to hold the people making decisions on these failures of head coaches and general managers accountable. Teams with good ownership, like the Patriots, Packers, 49ers, and Broncos know what they are doing. If something doesn't work, they replace the right people so there isn't much down time. The bears just let Phillips make the decisions and bring in garbage year in and year out.

Also, my first reaction when they hired Trestman was, who the hell is this guy and why did they pick him up. However, I let myself become optimistic since news outlets seemed to like him. There was a reason no one else wanted him and there was a reason he went to the CFL, but everyone in the media said it was an interesting and creative move that could pay off. I'm not believing the hype anymore. If they pick a guy I never heard of, I won't get optimistic until they show me something.

And the mccaskeys should use hindsight to make their decisions. They should realize what is not working and change it up. They don't change it up. They will probably use the same criteria to pick coaches and GMs as they did in the past. I'm getting sick of it. We don't even have average ownership. The Bears are a laughing stock in the NFL almost every year and I'm sick of it.


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49ers? Broncos? I guess if you van pick up manning s a free agent...lmfao

Beengay fudgepackers

Packin since 1919
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49ers? Broncos? I guess if you van pick up manning s a free agent...lmfao

Yeah, you are right. Let's forget all of the years Plummer took them to the playoffs. Let's forget the superbowls they won in the 90s with elway while being a perennial contender. I understand you can't win the Super Bowl every year, or really every decade, but if you can make the playoffs at a high frequency, I consider it a success. The bears have made the playoffs 4 times in 15 years? And that's not including a huge window in the 90s where they sucked as well. I can guarantee the 9ers and Broncos have made the playoffs much more than that within the same timeframe.
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Beengay fudgepackers

Packin since 1919
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The past is for cowards

This quote sums you up very nicely. You're a moron. Smart people learn from the past. People who don't know history are doomed to make the same mistakes.


License to Thrill
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I seriously think we are going to stink for a while. I think the bears will suck long after jay leaves. I think if we do have any success, it will be flukey years in which we crumble in the playoffs. I'm just fed up with Phillips and the mccaskeys. Find someone who knows what the fuck they are doing or sell the goddamn team. I'm starting to take the same approach with the bears as I take with the Cubs. I won't ever get my hopes up until they show me they are good for an extended period of time.

I take it you were not a Bear fan in the 90s? If so, how did you survive it? Honest Question not trollin!


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This quote sums you up very nicely. You're a moron. Smart people learn from the past. People who don't know history are doomed to make the same mistakes.

You are just a hindsighted prick who knows jack shit about the game of football. Lloyd you did was bring up the past.....like that is going to help this team. Learning from the past is far from just quoting it moron

Like I said Tampa Bay is looking for bandwagoneers . Be gone with you
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I take it you were not a Bear fan in the 90s? If so, how did you survive it? Honest Question not trollin!

I guess you were not a packers fan in the 70's, if so how did you survive it?


Sep 2, 2014
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While I disagree with most of what beengay posts, I do have to agree with him on the original statement.

I just don't think that current leadership has what it takes to identify the right personnel thats needed to run the team. Not only that, their bumbling perception around the league is seemingly chasing away "top tier" people for the management job.

People continue to blame the failures on Trestman and Emery. Nevermind the fact that our failures extend well beyond the past two years, former coaches and one other GM. The only constant in this is failure by ownership and Team President/Accountant.

The club being worth over 1 billion dollars has less to do with ownership than it does with being in the #2 market of the NFL and the rabid lemming like devotion of nfl fans to "their" teams.

Personally, I think good ownership would have them ranked higher than #8 on the most valuable list of franchises, but when your whole bottom line basically consists of "Don't be the raiders or the browns" what do you need to do other than mire in mediocrity?


Sep 2, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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I take it you were not a Bear fan in the 90s? If so, how did you survive it? Honest Question not trollin!

Suffer in silence or call radio stations and vent, since the internet wasn't flooded with fan driven message boards at the time.


Beengay fudgepackers

Packin since 1919
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While I disagree with most of what beengay posts, I do have to agree with him on the original statement.

I just don't think that current leadership has what it takes to identify the right personnel thats needed to run the team. Not only that, their bumbling perception around the league is seemingly chasing away "top tier" people for the management job.

People continue to blame the failures on Trestman and Emery. Nevermind the fact that our failures extend well beyond the past two years, former coaches and one other GM. The only constant in this is failure by ownership and Team President/Accountant.

The club being worth over 1 billion dollars has less to do with ownership than it does with being in the #2 market of the NFL and the rabid lemming like devotion of nfl fans to "their" teams.

Personally, I think good ownership would have them ranked higher than #8 on the most valuable list of franchises, but when your whole bottom line basically consists of "Don't be the raiders or the browns" what do you need to do other than mire in mediocrity?

Good post. I agree with it whole heartedly. I am curious as to how you disagree with what I post. Recently, I have been just saying exactly what you are saying here.


Sep 2, 2014
Hoopla Cash
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Good post. I agree with it whole heartedly. I am curious as to how you disagree with what I post. Recently, I have been just saying exactly what you are saying here.

Didn't mean in this thread, more of the others.

Beengay fudgepackers

Packin since 1919
Sep 12, 2013
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Didn't mean in this thread, more of the others.

Oh, okay. This is my main gripe with this team and I'm glad I'm not the only one who sees it.


License to Thrill
Aug 31, 2011
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I guess you were not a packers fan in the 70's, if so how did you survive it?

Wasn't born till the late 70s, football wasn't my thing till about '85. :suds: