We had assistants that would get everything prepared for us ahead of time.
Well, when we played the National Anthem for soccer games all I did was hit play. That was just part of my job......the easiest part of my job by far. But we never had a plan B for if something absolutely went wrong.........like for instance, if someone put in "Hey Macarena" to play instead of the National Anthem.
So I get my cue and I'm sitting up inside the Football Stadium behind the glass windows looking down over the soccer field and I hit play.....now, keep in mind I literally don't think anyone knows we're sitting up behind these windows looking down.......but as soon as that song started to play the entire crowd turned and looked up at us.
The song played for like 12 seconds before we figured out how to actually stop it and change it......cuz like I said, we had no plan B.....all we knew was that when we pushed play it played the National Anthem.
So we fumbled around trying to find the National Anthem, and in the mean time somebody needs to do something. So my friend, who is actually announcing for the game, grabs the microphone and starts just randomly talking about how the Runzas and the Valentino's pizza is real good and you can get them at real good prices and shit......of course we are in the background talking and yelling, "SHIT! Dude......find the right one! WHERE THE HELL IS IT?! Dude I don't know.....I don't even know how this fucking shit works..."
All of that ends up going over the loud speakers.
Just then Shot Kleen, the Huskervision assistant atheltic director, shows up on the scene. He just appears out of nowhere I swear........and he rips our asses as far as they could be ripped. Wanted to know who hit play. I was like, "well it was me, but I didn't know that was in there." He didn't care. I was the guy who fucked up as far as he could tell.
We didn't get in any extreme trouble for it, but later on our boss came up and told us that people were down on the field bitching and complaining about how unprofessional we were.
Also, you would be surprised how outdated some of the technology was that we used there.
Literally, the National Anthem was on a CD........yes, a CD. And then we had another CD with songs on them for in between dead balls or anything like that.....which is the CD that actually got put in there.