ND 14 UM 45

She must have spent about 5 minutes typing that up too...thinking about all the things the Seahawks fans/players have said over the year, spell checking and making sure her grammar was correct. Sitting back in her chair before hitting the submit button thinking about all the fun she was going to have giving Seahawks fans shit for the next several months.
I'm pretty fucking ecstatic today, but this was still able to make me even a bit happier.
What's funny is you know OP was ready to pile on more posts after the game but after things went south OP jumped ship and never looked back
I think for the next couple weeks until the Super Bowl, I'm going to respond to every MA post with a linkback to this thread.
Seahawk fans have been absolutely insufferable and obnoxious the last year.
Telling us:
1) How great your D was
2) What a BEAST MODE!!! your RB was
3) What a genius Carroll was
4) How Wilson was an elite QB.
5) How awesome that 12th man is's that working for you?
How many INT's has Wilson thrown? How effective is he without the D to back him up?
His QB rating right now is less than TEN.
You didn't want to hear any arguments to the contrary, and you shouted anyone down that dared to try.
As far as the reffing goes, you guys have been getting the calls so you can't blame them for this one. I saw a blatant face mask early in the game that didn't get called - but shoulda been. Didn't see any Seattle fans upset that Nelson had his helmet turned half way around.
I think for the next couple weeks until the Super Bowl, I'm going to respond to every MA post with a linkback to this thread.
I think for the next couple weeks until the Super Bowl, I'm going to respond to every MA post with a linkback to this thread.
I wouldn't bet she will be back on before then.
I wouldn't bet she will be back on before then.