I am?
Am I the only one here who thinks Kessel could take Scott? Sure, Scott has the reach, but as far as fighters go, he's a teddy bear. Kessel is like a cornered badger or rabid wolverine - fierce and unpredictable.
Am I the only one here who thinks Kessel could take Scott? Sure, Scott has the reach, but as far as fighters go, he's a teddy bear. Kessel is like a cornered badger or rabid wolverine - fierce and unpredictable.
Yep. Normally I would think Kessel's a bitch, but if somebody way out of your weight class tries to jump you over something you had nothing to do with, you deserve some leeway. Self-defence IMO.
If both guys were fighters, or Kessel had done something to deserve getting beat up, maybe a different story. But he has no responsibility to 'man up' against Scott in that situation, and honestly, if he doesn't back up and slash, he's probably getting KO'd.
If Kessel could have taken Scott, why didn't he just DO IT, instead of swinging his stick at him like a poor man's McSorley?Am I the only one here who thinks Kessel could take Scott?
Am I the only one here who thinks Kessel could take Scott?
I added to the goodness while watching it by adding some ass-kicking music from our Media Player.Youtube goodness:
Yep. Normally I would think Kessel's a bitch, but if somebody way out of your weight class tries to jump you over something you had nothing to do with, you deserve some leeway. Self-defence IMO.
If both guys were fighters, or Kessel had done something to deserve getting beat up, maybe a different story. But he has no responsibility to 'man up' against Scott in that situation, and honestly, if he doesn't back up and slash, he's probably getting KO'd.
If Kessel could have taken Scott, why didn't he just DO IT, instead of swinging his stick at him like a poor man's McSorley?
Am I the only one here who thinks Kessel could take Scott? Sure, Scott has the reach, but as far as fighters go, he's a teddy bear. Kessel is like a cornered badger or rabid wolverine - fierce and unpredictable.
I don't see what the big deal was about Kessel's "spear." It looked more like a light swipe with the blade. It's not like he two-handed it with the butt of the stick into Scott's gut and Scott went down injured.
What the hell was Scott thinking? Handle the Lucics of this world, not the Kessels.
That being said Kessel is a bitchboy for going in for a spear once the linesman has Scott tied up.
Just lame all around. Should make for an interesting next game between the two teams though.
That's exactly why we got him (The Miller incident) The Bruins announcer mentions it at the end of this video. I'm not a big Scott fan but I will say since we picked him up we have a winning record against the Bruins and Lucic plays the game like a choir boy. He saw what happened to Thornton.