I'm So High Right Now
I could be wrong, but I think that's already the name of a prono?
sharks fans should rain stuffed cocks down onto the ice if lil joe gets a 4 goal game ... bring your cocks to the game .... every game ... just in case .... and chuck them on the ice for lil joe to stroke
i can see the NHL.com website headline now ... COCKNADO!
Sedin seemed puzzled by the concern over Hertl's between-the-legs drop pass to himself and backhand shot that followed.
"I don't know what we're talking about," Sedin said. "He scored a beautiful goal. It was fun to watch. If I were a fan of the game — which I am — I loved it. Is hockey the only sport where if you do something nice, you talk about showboating?"
Later, he drew specific comparisons.
"In any other sport, if it's basketball or football or whatever it is," Sedin said, "if you do something nice and it's a nice move and you get on the highlights, everybody is raving about it, but in hockey you can't do that."
Sedin, who is known for his own creativity with the puck alongside twin brother Daniel, didn't stop there.
"I mean, what should he have done?" he continued. "Come in and shoot off his pads? I don't get it."
"I can't believe there would be any negative reaction," McLellan said. "If you refer back to 2005, the lockout year, our league, our players, our management were looking for ways to find goal scoring. Our fans want it.
"Now," he continued, "a young 19-year-old comes into the league and scores four goals, can't speak the language, doesn't really understand where he is right now, and we're going to criticize him for that?"
The kid made a great play in the middle of the game. What's the problem?
This wasn't the bullshit shootout!!
Much ado about nothing.
Couldn't agree more! He's a rookie, trying to earn a permanent roster spot, which I think he probably did as of that night. I really can't believe people find things to complain about. And we all know what goes around most certainly will come around and most likely has already. I mean that in terms of the teams involved as well as the individual. And when that happens, nobody should complain either.
As for Adam Oates, well if he and the other traditionalists want to finance Hertl's salary then he can complain all he wants. Until that happens, I think I'll let the 18,000 fans who paid to be entertained that were chanting Hertl's name decide if what he did was appropriate.
Edler has a hearing with the Sheriff over this.
Perfectly clean hit. Not even interference.