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Here's what I saw in the Raider game


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2013
Hoopla Cash
$ 9,000.00
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The offense is on fire but when the weather gets bad is all Im worried about with the offense and the pass defense does need work. Yes it will be better when Miller and Champ are back but it is a concern. There is alot of speed on the Eagles so the Broncos need to be ready on a short week. Besides that there is nothing else on this team that I see as a problem.

Couple of things that I see the Broncos have really tried to emphasize this year is the ability to run the ball down teams throats. The last couple of games especially they have really shown a desire to just pound the ball till the defense has nothing left. To me this isn't so much for the advantage right now but more preparing the OL and RB's for December and January. The Broncos seem to have a desire to get Ball especially going at this time even though he has had some fumbling problems but I think this is just showing they are hoping he is the man come late in the season and playoff time. He had one of the best runs I have seen from a Bronco running back in a long time on Monday and it was only for like 3 yards but it was a 3rd and 1 and they had him stopped big time at the line yet he muscled through it for a 1st down. That is exactly what the Broncos have been missing.