Well-Known Member
ImStupidherThanYou should be here at any moment, Tim Kurkjian quotes in hand, in a humiliating attempt to justify Andy Pettitte's entrance into the Hall of Fame.
Braves clinch.

ImStupidherThanYou should be here at any moment, Tim Kurkjian quotes in hand, in a humiliating attempt to justify Andy Pettitte's entrance into the Hall of Fame.
Braves clinch.
Yea, not much of it left.
As for the Mets, I'd feel better about things this morning if I were a Met fan, your team has a better future as built right now. Lots of promising arms in that system.
So, I noticed that the Braves celebrated last night at Wrigley. And, nobody seemed to have a reason to cry about it.
BigD, with all due respect, you just don't get it, do you?
Does this mean that if the Sox win the World Series while I am watching the game at your house, I can jump in your pool and piss in it?
My point is that you show respect for your host.
what kind of pussies do you have to be to ask a team NOT to celebrate on your field?
Take it like a man and prevent them from actually winning the game!
I'll give you a Mets fan's perspective on handling it:
4-0 vs the yankees this season, bitches!!!
fuck the dbacks
soon as they said "dont celebrate here", open season for the Dodgers
fuck that
Yes, with your dirty cleats on. Drunk. After you've specifically been asked not to.
Good Morning.
Nice to see the Yankees are still at the forefront of everyone minds this morning even though they're dead in the water.
if Kraft ever did that................you'd be jumping up and down like Yosemite Sam on uppers!
Boston is going to have to go through the town to win the AL.
Game and a half back fer home field.
Bring on the Tigers, Bring on the Sox.
A's are red hot. This is THE year.
I don't think I would have thought it was so shitty if they been celebrating on the field and their excitement carried them to the pool. I think it was deliberately an eff you move because they did all their champagne spraying and jumping around in the clubhouse and you know some dick (I will, without an ounce of proof, blame Ramirez with his stupid "I see you" prick face) was like, "Hey, let's go jump in their stupid pool! That will really piss them off!" And so they all were like, "Yeah, yeah! Let's do it!" and that stupid ass princess Kemp led the way. I'm just surprised he didn't pull a hammy or strain his labia jumping the fence.
Gawd, I hate the Dodgers.
Detroit in October sucks and I work in the city!
I like Trout but the Saber Metrics crowd makes me hope he strikes out every at bat!
I like the fact the Indians and Royals didn't fade. And I hope Cleveland takes the wildcard spot from the Rangers and more importantly the Yankees! Can not stand to think of the networks fluffing NY and Mariano even for 1 night.
I hope the Angels are enjoying the money they are spending on Hamilton and Pujols! Both another year older......and thanks for cutting loose Tori Hunter!
i'm pretty sure the rockies did not tell us not to celebrate on the field in '07
half that team is ex Red Sox......of course they are awesome!
probably the next team I'd want to win after the Sox, just love how they play
I don't know what is better, watching Scoscia's smug expression while the Angels underachieve, or watching Texas free-fall yet again. Priceless......