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hard to believe its been almost 5 years now


Captain Spaulding
Apr 21, 2010
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*broken link


Resident Polymath
Apr 23, 2010
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What really amazes me is how some people talk about VT as being dangerous, but if someone commits themselves, as Cho obviously did, they could do even more damage. Imagine a gunman walking to the front of a crowded movie theater with stadium seating and just opening fire. The only escape would be to go towards the gunman and he would even have line of sight down the entrance hallway. If VT was on lockdown, would that mean that the Christiansburg movie theater would also be on lockdown? This is the reason I, and many others, carry. I don't want to be a fish in a barrel.

What is really sad is that how tragic 4/16 was, it very well could have been a lot worse.
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Sleeper Pick
Apr 19, 2010
The Nation's Capital (where the news comes from)
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Eerie timing on this post for me. The. Building where the shootings were today at Pitt were literally 100 feet outside the back door of my building. We stayed home today to work because it was Spring break...weird....


Well-Known Member
Sep 4, 2011
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What really amazes me is how some people talk about VT as being dangerous, but if someone commits themselves, as Cho obviously did, they could do even more damage. Imagine a gunman walking to the front of a crowded movie theater with stadium seating and just opening fire. The only escape would be to go towards the gunman and he would even have line of sight down the entrance hallway. If VT was on lockdown, would that mean that the Christiansburg movie theater would also be on lockdown? This is the reason I, and many others, carry. I don't want to be a fish in a barrel.

What is really sad is that how tragic 4/16 was, it very well could have been a lot worse.


People don't realize just how big of a bubble we build in our minds to think we're safe. One committed lunatic can do massive amount of damage and there's only so much you can do. You go out and you live your lives thinking you're safe, but in reality, you aren't. You're just as vulnerable as anyone else at all times.


Resident Rehabilitator
Feb 16, 2011
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:ohwell: I was a senior at Clemson when the shootings happened; I remember getting back to my apartment and it was all over the news... proud to have gone to grad school with a former Hokie and I now work with a bunch of Hokie engineers. Ya'll are a good bunch and whatever people think, Tech is a great and a safe place to go to school.


May 21, 2010
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00

People don't realize just how big of a bubble we build in our minds to think we're safe. One committed lunatic can do massive amount of damage and there's only so much you can do. You go out and you live your lives thinking you're safe, but in reality, you aren't. You're just as vulnerable as anyone else at all times.

Eh, this is not really true. One person could do alot of harm to a group of people at any time, true, but the odds of it happening are very low. Living in fear is not the way to live life and there are only a few individuals who feel the need to commit harm to others, which is why it is very shocking on the news. I agree that you're just as vulnerable as anyone else, but I don't think we're that vulnerable. I think the problem is when institutions become complacent and do not take security measures as serious as they need to.

What really amazes me is how some people talk about VT as being dangerous, but if someone commits themselves, as Cho obviously did, they could do even more damage. Imagine a gunman walking to the front of a crowded movie theater with stadium seating and just opening fire. The only escape would be to go towards the gunman and he would even have line of sight down the entrance hallway. If VT was on lockdown, would that mean that the Christiansburg movie theater would also be on lockdown? This is the reason I, and many others, carry. I don't want to be a fish in a barrel.

What is really sad is that how tragic 4/16 was, it very well could have been a lot worse.

I'm not going to blame VT for 4/16 because the blame lies with Cho and hindsight is just that, hindsight. But I don't know if 4/16 could have been any worse unless we decided to use more dangerous weapons. And I can't fault the families for demanding answers and wanting compensation for their losses. It never should have happened. VT is not to be blamed for the act, but can be blamed for their response because they let themselves be prone to it. It's a shame it happened at VT because it could happen anywhere or any place and that may go back to the idea of fear and vulnerability. VT will probably never experience another day like 4/16 because it is such an extreme and rare occurrence, but the school should make sure that if it does happen, it can minimize the harm.

VT needs to learn from 4/16 and realize that campuses need to have stricter security measure if they do not want to be liable for these kinds of incidents. I was at VT for 4/16 and let's face it, the buildings were severely outdated with alarm systems and locks. I had several classes in Norris (and was actually on my way to Norris for a class on 4/16) and know that building was old and easy to get into the building, then barricade it. Also, VT needs to do a better job with its mental health awareness. This is more designed for the state of VA, which does a poor job in helping mental health problems and before 4/16, did not require high schools to submit the mental health of students to incoming students at colleges.


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Aug 13, 2011
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Not to thread jack...


If any of you are going to be in town (or live there) I'm hosting the 5th annual 4/16 tribute blood drive at Tech's (and UVA's) NOVA campus in Falls Church. I'm putting together the info on it but it will run from 1pm to 7pm. I'll update when I get the website to schedule appointments going.

... 5th annual as we pulled the first one together a couple weeks after the shootings. Had them on the 16th thereafter. We've got 106 pints at the one we hosted the year after (and if the Red Cross collection people weren't complete morons we probably could have gotten 200)... hoping to get maybe 50 this time around.
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Aug 13, 2011
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I may be down there but don't think I can donate anymore with s1m going to Africa and me bonking her and all. Stupid rules.....

I can help out though....

Why? Did she have sex for money? Or sex with a man who's had sex with another man? Or has she been incarcirated for more than 72 hours (my favorite... implies that you've more than likely been raped in jail or contracted a terrible disease if you have).


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Aug 13, 2011
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Last time the question was have you had unprotected sex with someone who has been to subsaharan Africa in the past 18 months. Rules may be different now. I will give if I can.

Might be right... it's a pretty solid rule. If you're going to profile.


Ut Prosim
Aug 4, 2011
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Not to thread jack...


If any of you are going to be in town (or live there) I'm hosting the 5th annual 4/16 tribute blood drive at Tech's (and UVA's) NOVA campus in Falls Church. I'm putting together the info on it but it will run from 1pm to 7pm. I'll update when I get the website to schedule appointments going.

... 5th annual as we pulled the first one together a couple weeks after the shootings. Had them on the 16th thereafter. We've got 106 pints at the one we hosted the year after (and if the Red Cross collection people weren't complete morons we probably could have gotten 200)... hoping to get maybe 50 this time around.

I'll be able to give again in a couple weeks, but I'll hold out for your drive. Make sure to post the when and where and I'll definitely sign up.


Captain Spaulding
Apr 21, 2010
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i wont be in the area...but arent you supposed to wait a year after getting a tattoo also?


Resident Polymath
Apr 23, 2010
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The shootings were that shocking because it did happen at VT. Nothing like that should ever happen, but the fact of life is that it does. It was a wake up call for every school across the world to re-evaluate their response and prevention plans in case of a similar instance happening again. In that regard, VT has been at the forefront of correcting weaknesses that could be exploited and working with those from across the world to create a plan of action.

That said, no matter how much planning goes into the reaction plan of schools, what wildturkey and I were talking about is that if someone does commit themselves, there is really nothing you can do to prevent it whether it happens at a school or elsewhere. Granted, it does not happen very often, but it could very well happen at any time. I do not believe you should live in fear every second of your life, but you should also be more aware of your surroundings, because all it takes is a split second to be the difference between life and death.

I have no problems with the families of the victims seeking the answers they're looking for or compensation. My post was in regards to those that are so uninformed about the safety of VT and what they believe is actually safe.


Resident Polymath
Apr 23, 2010
Hoopla Cash
$ 15,041.00
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Not to thread jack...


If any of you are going to be in town (or live there) I'm hosting the 5th annual 4/16 tribute blood drive at Tech's (and UVA's) NOVA campus in Falls Church. I'm putting together the info on it but it will run from 1pm to 7pm. I'll update when I get the website to schedule appointments going.

... 5th annual as we pulled the first one together a couple weeks after the shootings. Had them on the 16th thereafter. We've got 106 pints at the one we hosted the year after (and if the Red Cross collection people weren't complete morons we probably could have gotten 200)... hoping to get maybe 50 this time around.

Wish I could be in the area as it is time for me to donate again. Sounds like a great cause.


May 21, 2010
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
The shootings were that shocking because it did happen at VT. Nothing like that should ever happen, but the fact of life is that it does. It was a wake up call for every school across the world to re-evaluate their response and prevention plans in case of a similar instance happening again. In that regard, VT has been at the forefront of correcting weaknesses that could be exploited and working with those from across the world to create a plan of action.

That said, no matter how much planning goes into the reaction plan of schools, what wildturkey and I were talking about is that if someone does commit themselves, there is really nothing you can do to prevent it whether it happens at a school or elsewhere. Granted, it does not happen very often, but it could very well happen at any time. I do not believe you should live in fear every second of your life, but you should also be more aware of your surroundings, because all it takes is a split second to be the difference between life and death.

I have no problems with the families of the victims seeking the answers they're looking for or compensation. My post was in regards to those that are so uninformed about the safety of VT and what they believe is actually safe.

I'm with ya. Agreed with everything you said here.


Be strong.
Jul 1, 2011
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Last time the question was have you had unprotected sex with someone who has been to subsaharan Africa in the past 18 months. Rules may be different now. I will give if I can.

Even for just going there? Or is Ms.46 spreading it for all the tribe to see? :becky:


Ut Prosim
Aug 4, 2011
Hoopla Cash
$ 1,000.00
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Not to thread jack...


If any of you are going to be in town (or live there) I'm hosting the 5th annual 4/16 tribute blood drive at Tech's (and UVA's) NOVA campus in Falls Church. I'm putting together the info on it but it will run from 1pm to 7pm. I'll update when I get the website to schedule appointments going.

... 5th annual as we pulled the first one together a couple weeks after the shootings. Had them on the 16th thereafter. We've got 106 pints at the one we hosted the year after (and if the Red Cross collection people weren't complete morons we probably could have gotten 200)... hoping to get maybe 50 this time around.

H200, is this still going on?