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Jul 18, 2013
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Happy thanksgiving yall.

After watching the Carolina game, I still after 10 years don't understand why we don't go after a mobile QB.. Why in the heck did we not draft Brett Hundley?

We've watched Seattle's blueprint for years.. Solid running game, solid defense, good mobile QB that can get you 3-4 yards with his feet on just about every flippin play - and that's huge on 3rd and short.

Now we are seeing it with Carolina and Cam. Why are we drafting pocket QBs when are WR's are not that good?

Can anyone tell me about the WRs on Seattle the past 2-3 years and now the WRs on Carolina? This is the blueprint we are trying to copy, but we are failing at QB.

Have to agree about a mobile QB...I have wanted the Rams to draft/groom one for years, and I DON'T mean Eric Crouch lol


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Have to agree about a mobile QB...I have wanted the Rams to draft/groom one for years, and I DON'T mean Eric Crouch lol
Who needs Crouch when we drafted the best QB this past draft, Sean Mannion. He'll guide us to the Super Bowl for sure...



2021 Super Bowl Champions Rams
Aug 24, 2014
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Happy thanksgiving yall.

After watching the Carolina game, I still after 10 years don't understand why we don't go after a mobile QB.. Why in the heck did we not draft Brett Hundley?

We've watched Seattle's blueprint for years.. Solid running game, solid defense, good mobile QB that can get you 3-4 yards with his feet on just about every flippin play - and that's huge on 3rd and short.

Now we are seeing it with Carolina and Cam. Why are we drafting pocket QBs when are WR's are not that good?

Can anyone tell me about the WRs on Seattle the past 2-3 years and now the WRs on Carolina? This is the blueprint we are trying to copy, but we are failing at QB.

Watching that game made me think the same thing and the fact we had a chance to sign Ron Rivera as coach and went with Spags. It all worked out well though, Rivera has an undefeated team that is the class of the NFC and we got rid of Spags and said hello to mediocrity with Fisher.


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2013
Rochester, NY
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Not sure there is one in this draft. Last year draft had some good QBs. This year it's really a crap shoot. You may not see 1 go until after the 10th pick.

I don't know, need sometimes trumps value. Top 10 order right now: Browns (need a QB), Titans, Chargers, Cowboys (maybe one to groom?), Jaguars, Ravens, Saints, 49ers (appear ready to dump Kap), Lions, Rams (QB needy). BTW, 5-10 are tied at 4-8. Rams could easily be picking in the top 5.

I wouldn't mind taking a shot with Kap I guess, at least he can evade some pass rush. He hasn't developed as a passer though.


I'll slap you with my member
Apr 22, 2013
Titties, TX
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I don't know, need sometimes trumps value. Top 10 order right now: Browns (need a QB), Titans, Chargers, Cowboys (maybe one to groom?), Jaguars, Ravens, Saints, 49ers (appear ready to dump Kap), Lions, Rams (QB needy). BTW, 5-10 are tied at 4-8. Rams could easily be picking in the top 5.

I wouldn't mind taking a shot with Kap I guess, at least he can evade some pass rush. He hasn't developed as a passer though.

Need should never trump value. I wish we would have taken Sammy Watkins over Gregg Robinson. Did we NEED a LT? Yes but look at the mess we have and still NO #1 WR.

Pretty sure the Oline sucks with G Rob and would with another young project Olineman.

Why didn't we take a shot with Blaine Gabbert? St. Louis native.. :tsk: Not that Blaine is awesome, but man he would have been cheaper and the money could have went elsewhere.

Bring in Blaine, keep Austin Davis, and draft Hundley? Looks like a competition to me and how much worse can they be?


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Jul 16, 2013
Rochester, NY
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Tough to say how good Hundley will be; he has yet to even be active I believe (and won't be behind Rodgers, although he could press Tolzien for backup eventually).

I'm not impressed by Gabbert's mild improvement in mop up duty for the Niners personally. At some point, you have to find THE guy, not an assortment of could've-beens or never-will-bes. As the Rams continue to free-fall, they have that opportunity this season (if there is a worthy QB candidate in the draft).

It's not that need SHOULD trump value, but it often does. In terms of QB, it's almost the rule unfortunately. Building a team, then finding a QB rarely works. By then, your team is usually good enough to stay out of the early picks where the quality QBs are drafted. You have to bite the bullet and draft your guy when you have that early pick. Top free agency QBs are an extremely rare commodity to the point where they almost don't exist.

We were both big supporters of drafting Watkins, but they fell in love with Robinson's potential. Projected potential is a very dangerous commodity to go all-in for.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2011
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Need should never trump value. I wish we would have taken Sammy Watkins over Gregg Robinson. Did we NEED a LT? Yes but look at the mess we have and still NO #1 WR.

I also would've chosen Jake Matthews over Robinson. Guy was more ready to start the day we drafted him than Robinson today.


Well-Known Member
Apr 23, 2013
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Why don't teams go after the best CFL QB ? Warren Moon wasn't to shabby?

In fact I wouldn't mind giving Moon a shot!
Why not shoot for the Moon!:)


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2013
Rochester, NY
Hoopla Cash
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Why don't teams go after the best CFL QB ? Warren Moon wasn't to shabby?

In fact I wouldn't mind giving Moon a shot!
Why not shoot for the Moon!:)

Instead, they just shoot the moon...