Well-Known Member
i hate the idea of watering down the playoffs
i hate the idea of watering down the playoffs
How is it not hypocritical? Goodell has diluted defensive football when it comes to hitting WRs and QBs in the name of safety, yet is hellbent on adding more games to the regular season, more games to the playoffs, more games overseas, and more games on Thursdays when players have shorter times to recover.
Goodell is claiming he's all about players safety, but his suggestions and aims are anything but. That is the epitome of hypocritical.
- Dilluted defense leads to more vertical offense and points scored leading to more ratings and more money.
- "Protecting" QBs and WRs keeps marquee players on the field which leads to more money.
- More regular season games leads to more money.
- More playoff games leads to more money.
- More cities lead to more money (according to them).
- Public lip service as a means of getting ahead of the player safety issue will (theoretically) help them keep that money.
His claims about concern for player safety are disingenuous, we certainly agree there, but all of his actions are (at least to me) single minded and therefore not hypocritical.
You don't make any sense. Do you know what hypocritical means?
Except under Goodell player arrests have not diminished at all. Here's the NFL Arrests Database:
NFL Arrests Database | |
Explain yourself.
2013? Wow, sooner than I would have anticipated.
I love Thursday Night football; more days in the year with NFL football is ok with me.
Getting rid of the bye week is not ok though. That's messed up. The NFL is doing amazingly the way it is. I don't want to see it watered down with more games (and more injuries).
And people don't ignore preseason games because the best players don't play very much in them. They ignore preseason games because THEY'RE PRESEASON GAMES!!!! They don't count.
Eliminating the bye weeks is just crazy. Almost as stupid as a Thursday night game every week. Please keep throwing a shitty product out every Thursday NFL ya greedy basterds.