Well-Known Member
should have been fired with riveria.i can go with any name other than gd commanders.that stinks of snyder.
should have been fired with riveria.i can go with any name other than gd commanders.that stinks of snyder.
I lean toward rumble poniesJason Wright needs to be shown the door but whatever.
We need get a minor league baseball team
You get the
I dont care for the warriors.
Everyone would think of Golden State or a group of teens trying to escape the evil clutches of Luther and the rouges while traversing coney island.
I don't see a way to get that toothpaste back in the tube.
Not possible nextWashington "I traded 5 first rounders for Caleb Williamses"
Rolls off the tongue nicely...
If this idiot is involved in the next name change so help me!!!!!!!
Washington "I traded 5 first rounders for Caleb Williamses"
Rolls off the tongue nicely...
It’s against NFL rules , the most is 3 you can tradeSomeone said Chicago wants to set the league record for most consecutive #1 overall picks. They believe in consistency
It’s against NFL rules , the most is 3 you can trade
m7 badI was trying to clown Jiddy and the Bears. Thanks for ruining my momentum
Good to see you as well, Duke.Come on boss man!
Braves is a throw back to our roots. It's old school..I love it.
Good to see you breed.
Always good to have you here my friend.
Only thing I have to hold on to. Not a fan of the Commies and never will be. I have rooted against them since changing to Commies. Only a fan because of Redskins name. Not from the DC area. They keep Commies name, they are dead to me.anybody thinking redskins Is returning is beyond help.