I understand what you're saying about keep away, but I hate the notion of doing this because you have a weak DC. I can understand because of a weak D or holes in your D, but not because your coordinator is weak.
I can see the planets lining up for a RR return and placing Gibson in this role for a year would not be a huge expense if RR would bring his staff back. I just can't see this 3-ring circus come back to Morgantown. I think we need to let that ship sail on by.
I wouldn't like having to be forced to do it either. But you do it for the same reason as you would if you had a weak D, or holes in your D. A weak DC can absolutely decimate a season (as we've seen), so it just makes sense to do whatever you can to take pressure off the D. I just don't have any confidence in him as a DC, and he's done nothing to make me feel otherwise. Like I've said, I hope he proves me wrong, and I'll have no problem whatsoever admitting it...I just don't see it happening....