Brain dead Hacker
...and this is how the five run rally started?
...and this is how the five run rally started?
No outs, four run lead.....not sure why they needed to send him.
Is it "ESPN" if we criticize a guy who has sucked dong for 4 years now, or is it critical thinking and analysis?
Calling Timmeh's career over after a 5 bad starts in a row is an overstatement. Calling Zito a fucking waste of oxygen is simply stating the obvious.
Holy HF Batman!!!
Cal, if you need a dollar, I'm the kind if guy that can get people dollars.
Feels like the phillies can score a many runs as they need to off Zito.
If by "need" you mean "two," then I'd stay the Philth can score 3-4 times what they need off Zito.
97% chance the philth win.....that seems overly optimistic from a Giant perspective.
I say leave him out there for 100 pitches at least.
Trying to steal third with a 5 run lead in the B7?
yeah that's questionable - does seem like the Phillies want to rub it in a bit tonight.