"Duff Man…Oh Yeah!"
If the Astros are smart, they'd pitch around Pablo here.
Really happy now with a two run deficit. Oye!
Thomas Neal's slash line since the trade: .208/.269/.250
Huff's beef is legitimate:
Maybe so, but with a 1-2 count, you can't take a pitch that close.
Well, the pitcher got the high strike, he shouldn't get the low outside strike too. I got no problem with that take. But the ump might have been a little ticked off that Huff questioned the high strike.
I am not usually a rose coloured kind of guy and last week after the Astros serious I was pretty glum - but I like what I see in Belt, I am certain Beltran will perform to his average, Huff is improving and looks like he will get to his career numbers and I think our defence improves dramatically in September when we can bring Crawford on in the late innings - with our pitching that should be enough.
Like I said not sure why but I expect us to take this. It might all change by the weekend though!!!!!!!
Remember last season and the beginning of this season when we would win games like this?