The Scorpio
Winterfell was abandoned. There's a reason there is no one there.
Why would a Queen and a subservient King go to an abandoned castle?
Winterfell was abandoned. There's a reason there is no one there.
Theon and them fucked up Winterfell and killed everyone in chargeWhen?
Why would a Queen and a subservient King go to an abandoned castle?
......Theon and them fucked up Winterfell and killed everyone in charge
This is from the books, but similar
Sack of Winterfell
well they are going north to fight the white walkers
Winterfell is in the North and Jon Snow knows it is safe. Why wouldn't they go there? The Wall is pretty busted up right now...
You realize the Bolton's refortified and repaired Winterfell, right? Right?? And the wall being destroyed means there should be THOUSANDS at Winterfell!
Sigh, I've read ever page of each novel, thrice. I'm aware of Winterfell's condition in the books. We're talking about the show here, which established WInterfell was rebuilt and refortified and regardless, the Dragon Queen and the King of the North returning to Winterfell would have more than a FEW DOZEN ONHAND FOR THE OCCASION!just because it is rebuilt doesn't mean people hung around after the sack of Winterfell
Winterfell isn’t a city and it’s never been a fort, it’s a castle.
In the book, Ramsay took a lot of Winterfell’s people, mostly women and children who survived Ramsay’s sack of Winterfell, back to the Dreadfort, Old Nan included. Who is still alive remains a mystery, but there is a possibilty that a few are still kicking. I hope that Old Nan is still alive, but it’s doubtful. Knowing Ramsay, who knows what happened to these captives.
In the show, Jon and Sansa have Winterfell back. They will find loyal people to take up any jobs that need filled and “repopulate” Winterfell again.
Outside of Winterfell is an area that they call a “winter town”. It’s there because once fall and winter come, Northerners, from all over the North and the mountains, will gather there for protection and food from Winterfell. During this time, it is one of the largest “northern settlements” (besides Barrowton and White Harbor) in the North.
well she has been passed around.are you calling Sansa a slut?
who though? She never banged Baelish. She was raped by Bolton. Who else?well she has been passed around.
Come to think of it. Next!
you should read the books again because you are missing a lot.Sigh, I've read ever page of each novel, thrice. I'm aware of Winterfell's condition in the books. We're talking about the show here, which established WInterfell was rebuilt and refortified and regardless, the Dragon Queen and the King of the North returning to Winterfell would have more than a FEW DOZEN ONHAND FOR THE OCCASION!
Yeah, there may have been thousands there rebuilding it after the Bolton's took over. But that was the past.Sigh, I've read ever page of each novel, thrice. I'm aware of Winterfell's condition in the books. We're talking about the show here, which established WInterfell was rebuilt and refortified and regardless, the Dragon Queen and the King of the North returning to Winterfell would have more than a FEW DOZEN ONHAND FOR THE OCCASION!
Sigh, no, I'm not. We're not even discussing the books, we are discussing a 10 second clip from the (now fan fiction) should read the books again because you are missing a lot.
The only aspect of Winterfell thats as damaged during the battle for Winterfell was the gate; already established as repaired.Yeah, there may have been thousands there rebuilding it after the Bolton's took over. But that was the past.
They just got finished having a destructive civil war for control of Winterfell. There aren't a lot of Northerner's left, and who is leftover, many went back to their own homes to prepare for winter.
The only aspect of Winterfell thats as damaged during the battle for Winterfell was the gate; already established as repaired.
And yes, presumably many did go home, but last we saw, most of the Northern Lord's as well Yohn Royce were still remaining in Winterfell because they know "the war" is coming. Regardless the "King in the North" returning AND the Dragon Queen with him should arrant more than a few spectators on hand.
Maesters. Akin to carrier pigeons.Eh, there are bigger hills to die on.
Like, who trains all these ravens to fly to the right castle????
I actually love Feast because the Jaime chapters.Wow... You are quite a masochist if you read A Feast for Crows three times.
Speaking of crows, I just happened to be watching this today. They are very intelligent. You don't have to watch the whole thing, but watch the five minutes where this begins.Maesters. Akin to carrier pigeons.
HAHA I love that too! Victarion Greyjoy's among my favorite characters cuz he's a dumb, straightforward brute! Damphair is also interesting to me. And the Kingsmoot was bad ass!but the iron islands... ugh
I wasn’t fond of the POV characters. I also found it painful to read Cersei’s thoughts, and she had a lot of chapters.HAHA I love that too! Victarion Greyjoy's among my favorite characters cuz he's a dumb, straightforward brute! Damphair is also interesting to me. And the Kingsmoot was bad ass!