I still love GoT and will watch it to the end, but I have always been that way where when the logic doesn't make sense, I start to get bothered by it. It is sloppy writing and that is all there is to it. They were given a high level overview of what the end game is and it is up to them to get them there in the 2 remaining seasons. At this point, they are scrambling to close holes in the plot and wrap up characters they have no need for.I think, in general it's a couple of things (and this isn't limited to this forum). You have people who were into the books and liked that the show stayed close to the source material for 4-5 seasons. No source material now and they are heading to a conclusion so the pace and attention to detail changes and that can be difficult to accept.
Then you have the haters who will find anything to be pissed at. Annoying but it happens. The haters annoyed me the last couple of seasons on TWD, but they were kinda right. That one has really gone downhill. I disagree here because some of the complaints have always been a part of this series. For example, the time travel complaint. Yeah Euron was everywhere early in the season and Dani had to catch a warp speed raven to save everyone this week, but it's not unusual for the series. Tywin coming out of nowhere into Blackwater and hitting the throne room right as Cersi was going to kill herself and Tommen didn't catch a second of flack. Littlefinger going wherever it advanced the plot early on didn't raise an eyebrow. The previews next week show the Unsullied marched from Casterly Rock to Kings Landing without a fight. The Lannister crushed other southern armies and after seeing the dragons aren't doing shit right now, so it's plausible. But people will gripe because in previous seasons there would have been a scene where Varys and Tyrion met in a brothel and discussed their troop movements with a pretty sweet lesbian scene in the background.
As a guy who got into this fairly late I say let the haters hate.
I am well aware that the world GRRM built is immense and D&D might have gotten too involved with characters they thought were going somewhere only to blow them up in the Sept, but again, it is sloppy writing because they were told "hey, you have 2 seasons to get this shit under control and finish it."