R.I.P. Bob Saget
Coldhands in the books rides an Elk. I thought Benjen was on a horse before too.
What if Jon hadn't come out of the water? What the hell would he have done then?
"Oh shit, guess I missed my chance..."
He had a HUGE opportunity to help when they were fucking fighting an entire army of the dead!
Also, why didn't he hit the dragon that was sitting there right in front of him with the javelin? Why go for the moving target with his Jay Montana arm strength? He wanted to show off?
I like to see things through. Shows tend to jump the shark at some point and I have to stick with it even if the plot is completely lost or pisses me off.
By the end of Battlestar, I watched because i was hoping the entire ship would blow up and everyone would die. I hated every character on that show.
For Sons of Anarchy, it got so damn out of control that I couldn't wait for them to get to their inevitable ending that everyone already knew.
With this show, they need to get me to want to care. Right now, I am not sure I care.
good point!
guess throwing Giants into the mix would have made it less likely that our heroes would survive.
also why just one roaming polar bear? why weren't there other dead animals wandering around?
Also, wasn't Benjen on an elk before?
Again, haven't the show runners built up enough TRUST by now? If not, then meh, you're just complaining to complain.
it might have been in the books that he was on an elk, actually.Good point about one bear. It's like they want us to at least think the Night King had a plan to lore the dragons North so he could kill one. Otherwise why only send one bear and not a pack at the heroes???
I don't remember the elk. He was on a horse when he meet/rescued Bran last season, I think.
and this show has made it ok for the bad guys to win. They let the hero, Ned, die in the first book/season. That is why GoT was different.Heh. Where does this kind of 'what if?' supposition stop? Why not just kill off all of them and end the show right then and there?
Why can't bad guys shoot for shit in TV shows? BECAUSE THEN THE BAD GUYS WOULD ALWAYS WIN.
Why do bad guys always tell the hero what they're going to do to them, then disappear off-screen and let the hero escape?
Which, wait for it...
Coldhands in the books rides an Elk. I thought Benjen was on a horse before too.
You know how the books end? With a different cast. The entire ensemble died of old age waiting for the next book.they are well past the books. He is working with the same time schedule they are if is at all involved with the show, which I don't think he is as much as you are saying.
He may have input on what he thinks should happen, but I have a feeling the books will take a different route to get to the final outcome. Martin won't compromise his story by letting his characters show up when convenient or anyhting like that. The show has too many "oh you're here, how convenient!"
Plus Lady Stoneheart is a wildcard the show doesn't get to use.
I don't know if I should be giving my trust to the showrunners. I trust GRMM to do right by the characters. I not trust the showrunners for that. I guess we will see when they all get buddy buddy in the finale.And if we were seeing characters changing in essential ways to try and drag it out and have something happen (SOA) or just close to a whimper (Dexter), then I'd probably agree with you. Hell, I can even see the argument about Battlestar, although the 'GodDidIt' ending was pretty much all they were going to be able to do there, but I can SEE the point of people being disappointed.
This show? I see people grousing about inconsequential shit that we accept in every OTHER TV show we watch as just something that happens.
We all still CARE what happens to our personal favorite characters, that GRRM took such care building, and the show for the most part has stayed faithful to. I'm mean for crissakes, Tyrion on the good side, Joffrey, Walder Frey, Cersei and Bolton Jr. on the bad side, go down in TV history as memorable characters. The Red Wedding goes down in TV HISTORY.
Tyrion, Jayme, Arya, -- we all want to find out their eventual fates. How will Cersei go out.
You KNOW you're in for that, no matter what.
Again, haven't the show runners built up enough TRUST by now? If not, then meh, you're just complaining to complain.
girlfriend was wondering that too. Can Jon Snow be killed?We caught that from last time with the guy falling endlessly into the waist high water and coming out miles down stream.
I was partly wondering if that sword to the heart of Snow gave him some dead powers.
girlfriend was wondering that too. Can Jon Snow be killed?
I'm sorry.I used to love reading this thread after an episode to get the different takes and find things that I missed or dots that I didn't connect. Now it's just a bitchfest and I skip most of it.
Thanks fuckers. Now I have to log time above my pay grade and figure this shit out myself.
I mentioned this earlier but yeah the Arya/Sansa conflict doesn't make any sense.The Arya and Sansa show down screams misdirection. While they clearly are not happy with each other it doesn't seem to make a whole lot of sense. Sansa wanting to be the Queen of the North and believing she deserves it makes sense. Arya thinking she is betraying Jon by some of her actions makes sense. But the note being the wedge between them doesn't make sense. Arya is being pretty naive to think that Sansa had any control in that situation seems really out of character. And for me, one of them killing off the other just doesn't make sense. So I have to think that we are about to see the end of Littlefinger's shenanigans.
I think Bran does something big in the season finale.I mentioned this earlier but yeah the Arya/Sansa conflict doesn't make any sense.
If we were dealing with book Arya and book Littlefinger I could possible see something play out where Littlefinger manipulates both girls into fighting with each other. Show Arya is too OP and post-season 4 show Littlefinger is too stupid for this to not logically end up with Arya outsmarting Littlefinger, knowing about the ploy the entire time, and playing it up to Sansa to make it seem to Littlefinger like she's falling for it.
There was some line in one of the trailers for this season about "the wolf pack being strong" or something. I think it was Arya who said it. This line probably comes from next episode where she fucks Littlefinger's shit up.
Really though Bran should just know about Littlefinger's whole scheme in detail since the show has made it clear that he can see everything that has ever happened anywhere in Westeros.
I'm not!I'm sorry.![]()
I mentioned this earlier but yeah the Arya/Sansa conflict doesn't make any sense.
If we were dealing with book Arya and book Littlefinger I could possible see something play out where Littlefinger manipulates both girls into fighting with each other. Show Arya is too OP and post-season 4 show Littlefinger is too stupid for this to not logically end up with Arya outsmarting Littlefinger, knowing about the ploy the entire time, and playing it up to Sansa to make it seem to Littlefinger like she's falling for it.
There was some line in one of the trailers for this season about "the wolf pack being strong" or something. I think it was Arya who said it. This line probably comes from next episode where she fucks Littlefinger's shit up.
Really though Bran should just know about Littlefinger's whole scheme in detail since the show has made it clear that he can see everything that has ever happened anywhere in Westeros.