Ask yourself this.. How has Lebron done against Kwani?
Too bad we might not see them play against each other again in the Finals for awhile. Pitty.
Ask yourself this.. How has Lebron done against Kwani?
Yeah because flyerhawk seems to think the east now is just as competitive as it was in the mid 80's till mid 90's
I have no way to measure that. I've actually said that it is impossible to compare eras. You are the one that is claiming that the East has been the worst conference in the history the game, whatever that means.
You've haven't provided anything approaches a qualitative argument to justify the claim. You just make the assertion and use hyperbole to defend it.
Yes, this Eastern Conference (minus lebron) is one of the weakest in NBA history. Anyone with half a brain and just a little bit of basketball knowledge knows that!
How about a test?
I'll find as many posts as I can of you specifically calling me a "Lebroniac"... and you find as many posts as you can of me specifically calling you a "hater".
How about you stop being so sensitive Sally and see that I said "Cavs Fans and Lebroniacs" (which is plural) and never specifically mentioned you?
Maybe LeBron beats the rockets, but he would not have got past Jordans bullsI pose a hypothetical.
If the New York Knicks were to draft Lebron James instead of Patrick Ewing, how many championships do you think the Knicks would have won? I've heard lots of folks say that the league was much tougher back then. So do you think the Knicks would have been worse, the same, or better with Lebron James?
If the Knicks aren't your thing, replace them with the Trailblazers or Pacers. Replace whatever player you want with Lebron. How would that team have fared?
I don't really understand how anyone could really hate Lebron. The dude is simply amazing to watch on the basketball court. Maybe I'm just a basketball purist, but I really appreciated everything a player does and enjoy watching greatness. I hate Kobe because he was a Laker and my Laker supporter friends used to shit on all of us Warrior fans all the time when we sucked, but I still appreciated how amazing he was.
Lebron will go down as the greatest player, to me, that I have watched play in the NBA from the start of their careers till the end. I didn't start watching basketball until around 91' - 92', so Jordan doesn't qualify there. Here are the top 5 best NBA players I've seen from the start to finish of their careers:
1) Lebron James
2) Shaq
3) Duncan
4) Kobe
5) KG
If you saw Garnett from start to finish, why isn't the crown jewel of the 1995 NBA draft not listed in that top 5?
All joking aside, I really did like that fat bastard. Alas, his love of cheeseburgers derailed his career.
Well, on the least they didn't take Ed Obannon...lolWarriors had the #1 pick that year and took Joe Smith. SMH.
If you saw Garnett from start to finish, why isn't the crown jewel of the 1995 NBA draft not listed in that top 5?
All joking aside, I really did like that fat bastard. Alas, his love of cheeseburgers derailed his career.
That's not true. Look at the first 3 titles....Jordan won with Pippen, whom was just starting to make all-star teams at the time. Horace Grant was a solid contributor, and the only players left that were somewhat of contributors was Paxson, and Armstrong whom both averaged around single points per game. People really don't remember that those first 3 Bulls teams were not stacked in any way. Even the latter 3 title teams while having bigger names, weren't exactly stacked with stars, as opposed to key role players that played their part wellLJ won a title with far less talent than any Bulls team of the 90s, including the Heat. You have to put him in the same discussion as MJ. It's BS if you don't.
LJ won a title with far less talent than any Bulls team of the 90s, including the Heat. You have to put him in the same discussion as MJ. It's BS if you don't.
I honestly thought Big Country was going to be legit back then...
what if I like being sensitive Sally??How about you stop being so sensitive Sally and see that I said "Cavs Fans and Lebroniacs" (which is plural) and never specifically mentioned you?
That's not true. Look at the first 3 titles....Jordan won with Pippen, whom was just starting to make all-star teams at the time. Horace Grant was a solid contributor, and the only players left that were somewhat of contributors was Paxson, and Armstrong whom both averaged around single points per game. People really don't remember that those first 3 Bulls teams were not stacked in any way. Even the latter 3 title teams while having bigger names, weren't exactly stacked with stars, as opposed to key role players that played their part well
That's not true. Look at the first 3 titles....Jordan won with Pippen, whom was just starting to make all-star teams at the time. Horace Grant was a solid contributor, and the only players left that were somewhat of contributors was Paxson, and Armstrong whom both averaged around single points per game. People really don't remember that those first 3 Bulls teams were not stacked in any way. Even the latter 3 title teams while having bigger names, weren't exactly stacked with stars, as opposed to key role players that played their part well
Also, one more point:
No teams in that era were stacked with stars like the superteams today. It is why I find it funny when people dismiss the notion that current teams are as good or better than top teams from the 90s
There were teams very stacked in the 80s and 90s. Boston, L.A. and Chicago were as loaded as any teams in history. Utah, Philly and Detroit were also loaded with stars.