Can't really complain about the PPV, some solid matches but it gets an F in my book since it literally sets nothing up for WM except the main event. No complaints about Reigns winning but it was rather stupid no interference against Brock to set up his match, and now Ambrose has what for a WM match since he lost the IC title.
I think they've set up a pretty good path for Ambrose vs Lesnar for WM. Maybe even put it in a HIAC. I get Reigns vs HHH was going to happen because its logical given what they've been doing but I'd rather see that Lesnar/Ambrose match.
How is that an appealing matchup. Everytime they have been alone Brock has destroyed him. Not sure a HIAC would really do much for me. I just don't see it i guess. Think they missed the boat with not putting Bray against Brock. That's how the RR looked like and I still think Bray could've came out and interfered with Brock after Brock beat down Ambrose setting up a feud with Reigns Ambrose after Reigns wins the title.
Yeah it was a good match. My only complaint was Ambrose laying in a bunch of chair shots to Reigns at the end of it. No selling chair shots? Not the best ending to a match
Reigns isn't a personal favorite but I have no issue with him main eventing WM. He's earned it this year
It works because Ambrose is a fun character and he'll do damn near anything to beat him. The crowd has been eating it up too. They've gotten the largest response over the last month to the point where Reigns was essentially a background character despite it being a 3 way match
someone on twitter said it best. The most compelling storyline is Vince McMahon refusing to buy into what the fans want and the fans resentment toward what Vince is pushing.
That story has been going on for at least 10 years now and unless Vince steps down or (dies) it ain't gonna change. Over the last 2 or 3 years the fan resentment has built to an all high and still Vince doesn't listen.
It really seems like the fan resentment they had to the product that led to the Monday Night Wars but there's no legitimate competition that can hurt their pocket book enough for change.