Welcome aboard Dre, we where wondering when you would show up.
Thanks for the welcome....this site seems pretty alright, glad to have made the migration
Welcome aboard Dre, we where wondering when you would show up.
Welcome Dre.
Preciate it
Thanks for the invite Ray.
Started getting pretty bad on the espn board. You have someone threating to flag everyone who says anything slightly negative about Alex Smith. I asked why their freaking out about the first pre-season game and they tried to label me a Alex lover.
Had a chance to browse this site and seems a lot more civil.
Has 49erfanfromNC made the switch yet?
I talked to him the other day; he said he'll be here from time to time. he wants to see how well the new board turns out; me too.
I don't see how the new board could be appealing. It's just a few hold-outs trying to talk about the 49ers but then getting drowned out by the trolls. From what I just saw today it's the few guys remaining, like 49erfaninNC, trying to talk football... but just getting thrust into arguments with the morons.
Welcome aboard, Dre! Ray & I just mentioned you. I like the new avatar as well.
Good to have ya here Dre. I could use some good ole' healthy heated debates.![]()
Welcome aboard, Dre! Looks like NC might be the last of the regulars left. I know he registered on this site but hasn't posted much at all.
I talked to him the other day; he said he'll be here from time to time. he wants to see how well the new board turns out; me too.