(>',')> Laser_Mike_89
Welcome to the new WV fans!
I work on a gub'mint PC that has facebook and all forms of social media blocked. Recently, any forum or news website that allows comments with any kind of social media interface like Facebook hasn't been letting me see them. There's no way around it. I can't change anything about my PC. Most everything is blocked unless you're an IT administrator.
Thanks for the welcome!
Don't know why the gub'mint bothers blocking anything, they get hacked anyway.
If there are some good WV posters from the espn board that you would like over, just try to get the word out, man.
I'm spreading the word on the boards and via email, but people are stubborn
Howdy, folks. First checkin.
The best part is you can insert pics and type "shit" "damn" and "hell" too!
Though, I cant seem to figure out the pic thing....
Funny you can type those, but when I tried to type "****" earlier it wouldn't let me.
(That would be p*o*r*n. Maybe they block that one because spammers could be advertising it or something.)
Funny you can type those, but when I tried to type "****" earlier it wouldn't let me.
(That would be p*o*r*n. Maybe they block that one because spammers could be advertising it or something.)