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Early Season Best 5, Worst 5 teams


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2014
Suburb of Cleveland
Hoopla Cash
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Who are the teams playing the best- and worst ball for the first few weeks of the NBA season:

In my opinion:


1. GSW- easy- 15-0 ridiculous- of course pacing the West. Draymond Green has taken that next step.
2. CLE- best record in the East- Love is playing All Star ball- LeBron looks brilliant. Blatt is doing a great job managing around the injuries.
3. SAS- managing to play really good ball despite assimiliating a lot of new faces- Duncan is still trucking
4. OKC - only 8-6 but RW has looked amazing- Durant looked good until he got knicked up...they have depth they have never had before.
5. CHI- Perenially 2nd best in the East- looks good. Butler is taking it to the next level- Mirotic looks good. A healthy - or mostly healthy Noah- certainly helps a lot.

Just missed- Boston- has some REALLY great statistical achievements- a great coach, deep roster, stockipiled assets- will be a threat sooner than later in the East.


1. PHI- just terrible. Winless....tanking is ugly..its fun during the draft- but sucks for months. Their guard play is atrocious.
2. LAL- AT least Scott let Russell play last night. Lou Williams shooting like 33%? UGH- Kobe has reservations at the glue factory.
3. NO- what a disappointment- how can a team with AD have only 3 wins thus far? Eric GORDON STOP TAKING 8 threes a game. Thats pathetic.
4. BROOK- this franchise is the biggest mess in the league. YEARS away from having hope. YEARS. They owe some GREAT potential assets to Boston.
5. Rockets- what a clustermuck. Firing the coach that took you to the WCF last year? Harden not even TRYINg on defense again....what a mess

Just missed- SAC Kings- Rondo's inspired play and Cousins turning into a top 15 player helps them stay outta the bottom 5


Depressed Sports Fan
Jul 21, 2013
Hoopla Cash
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Heat or the surprise Mavs should be in top 5 or at least in the "just missed" spot over the team 1 game over .500 who just lost to the Nets.
Bucks should definitely be considered for the bottom 5 or "just missed" spot, the length was supposed to make their defense good and they've given up the 6th most PPG and only Philly has a worst PPG differential so far meaning they win close games and get blown out when they lose.


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Andrew Wiggin's burner account
Aug 17, 2011
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OKC has some ugly losses. They shouldn't be there.

Agree. OKC hasn't played its best ball yet and with Durant hurt, they've been inconsistent at best.

The West so far, other than Warriors and Spurs, has been pretty surprising. There are only 5 teams that are above .500. Crazy.

Memphis has really struggled. OKC has been hit or miss and had to deal with Durant's injury. The Rockets have imploded. The Clippers are on a 3 game losing streak. The Pelicans...I don't even know what's going on with them. Dallas is 9-5, who nobody expected to compete at all. They've had a light schedule so it's hard to say if they're legit. Even Phoenix, who has a winning record right now, doesn't have a win against a team .500 or over (although win against Clips, I consider quality win).

It's really hard to get a grasp of teams right now. Going to be a real interesting next month or two, to see who starts to create a bit of separation.


R.I.P. Robotic Dreams. Fight On!
Apr 17, 2013
San Clemente, Ca.
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Dallas is 9-5, who nobody expected to compete at all.

At this point, I'd have Dallas above OKC considering what was expected and what they've done so far.

I'd also have the Clips either on the worst list or in the "just missed" section. All of that talent and they're 6-7?!?


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2014
Suburb of Cleveland
Hoopla Cash
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The Heat were definitely considered- and maybe should have been over Boston- but strangely enough- Miami has played 10 of their 13 games at home- and really doesnt have a good win on their resume besides maybe Toronto....I guess @ Minne isnt bad....Miami is playing well though- especially defensively- and especially Whiteside and Bosh. I mean- that has to be the best PF/C combo in the East I would think...Dragic looks pretty shitty thus far though.