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Eagles realease Mathis


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Aug 17, 2014
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I haven't posted much this year, so i know i missed some news. Could you bring me up to speed on what exactly chip kelly's won? I had some things come up when i had to check out and we were about 9-3 at that time. How'd that play out? Division title & First round bye? Wild Card?
Chip didn't win the SB so he got rid of the malcontents, took over the FO and is rolling on. Enjoy!


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Its surprising that no one...Hollis Thomas, Todd Herremans, Jason Peters, Zach Ertz, Jason Kelce is backing up Mathis at all. Especially Herremans.

Kelly agrees with Freamon's opinion that last year wasn't good enough. That late season collapse was a killer. Kelly has been cleaning house ever since.

Did you just say you are surprised that Peters,Ertz,Kelce aren't backing Mathis...LOL. Hmmmm wonder why.


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Chip doesn't seem to care about the talent portion.

Really? All of a sudden he does not care about talent. What a crock of shit. I will admit that some of CK's moves make me scratch my head but he gets results. The offensive line had a lot of injuries last year and yet the Eagles finished with a Top 3 offense. He improved the defense and the running game. Addressed the WR position during the draft as well as the secondary. Yet he does not care about talent? smh


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Did you just say you are surprised that Peters,Ertz,Kelce aren't backing Mathis...LOL. Hmmmm wonder why.

You evidently are clueless.
1. Herremans was his teammate for 4 years and doesn't work for the organization anymore. He can say what he wants just like McCoy and Carey Williams.
2. Jason Peters is the most powerful player on the Eagles and has the ultimate security of money in the bank and knowing that he would be unemployed for about 5 minutes if cut. Peters is scared of no one. He lined up next to the guy for 4 years. If Jason Peters says he wants Mathis on the team, he has him. Instead he says he doesn't care.
3. Ertz is the guy that would be smart not to talk, instead last week he is openly ditzing Mathis.

If Mathis had support, at a minimum I would expect alot of no comments from these guys. Instead Herremans is on local radio talking about it and the current teammates are openly giving their opinion.


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Nobody likes a whiner "and" Mathis wasn't being under paid ... that's why you won't find many step up for him. That being said, he was an excellent Guard for us and our team is weaker without him. If teams just released players around the league every time they bytched about their contracts ... the league would be like musical chairs. Other coaches/GM's just deal with the situations a lot better than Chip. Releasing him was just taking the easy way out imo and will ultimately hurt the club's depth. The way to handle it imo was to demote him and make him earn his job back in camp.


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Nobody likes a whiner "and" Mathis wasn't being under paid ... that's why you won't find many step up for him. That being said, he was an excellent Guard for us and our team is weaker without him. If teams just released players around the league every time they bytched about their contracts ... the league would be like musical chairs. Other coaches/GM's just deal with the situations a lot better than Chip. Releasing him was just taking the easy way out imo and will ultimately hurt the club's depth. The way to handle it imo was to demote him and make him earn his job back in camp.

Yeah, this is Chip being a bit of a good guy here. He is giving Mathis what he asked for. Some have suggested he is somehow punishing the guy, but really I would be surprised if Mathis doesn't get a good contract from someone. I generally agree with your approach of letting him come to camp next week and inserting him with the second team.

I think they are serious about liking Tobin and Barbre as starters and putting Mathis in with second string would not have been just for show for a week or two. Mathis would have been seriously unhappy with that and the Eagles would have been reticent to pay him the big bucks to sit on the bench. At the end of the day, I think it was Chip's assessment that Mathis simply lost his starting job because the other guys played well and participated in the offseason program. Mathis as a backup was not going to work out.

old duke

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Rey, he would have been a cancer. That's why Chip had to cut him. And, as I said before, Rosenpuke is the main culprit, as always. We'll move on, and we will be OK at Guard. I echo what Dave just said. If, and it's a big IF, we still need a different vet to step in, there are experienced vets that would be similar to Evvie.


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I generally support Chip getting rid of cancers like Djack, Shady and now Mathis.

But in the first two cases, at least he addressed the positions through the draft and free agency.

My problem with cutting Mathis is we now have two glaring holes at guard, and we added no new players to the mix. Barbre maybe can fill one, but Tobin looked pretty bad at guard last year IMO. We will need to find another decent player or the line will take a step backward this season for sure.


Formerly FWFW
Aug 21, 2014
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Or maybe Mathis just really isn't that good. Hollis Thomas thinks he is average at best. Seems like he would know.
that's possible, but i don't think so. <shrug>


Formerly FWFW
Aug 21, 2014
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Its surprising that no one...Hollis Thomas, Todd Herremans, Jason Peters, Zach Ertz, Jason Kelce is backing up Mathis at all. Especially Herremans.

Kelly agrees with Freamon's opinion that last year wasn't good enough. That late season collapse was a killer. Kelly has been cleaning house ever since.
If he was getting rid of the Riley Coopers on the team, that would make total sense & you wouldn't find hardly any detractors. Instead, he's eliminating established talent...not so much.


Formerly FWFW
Aug 21, 2014
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I generally support Chip getting rid of cancers like Djack, Shady and now Mathis.
See you folks miss me with this: cancer is a terrible horrible killer and to label someone a "cancer" you should be able to back it up with instances where this person actively worked to destroy the team. I can find none of that with Mathis. He said he was unhappy with his contract last year and reported to all OTAs, camps and workouts anyway. This year he didn't. I don't see how that makes him a cancer. All testimonials leading up to this weekend suggested he was a "Chip Guy" and a team guy. Then we cut him and "well, he was a cancer". Com'mon now. And Djax ran with gangs too, right? He and "his gang" ran right past us week 16.

I guess i shouldn't be surprised. You folks did the same things under andy reid. Whenever the board had a general consensus on a FA we needed and we didn't get him, the next day were dozens of posts about "he sucked" or "he wasn't worth the money" and "we didn't need him anyway; Reno Mahe will step up!"

My problem with cutting Mathis is we now have two glaring holes at guard, and we added no new players to the mix. Barbre maybe can fill one, but Tobin looked pretty bad at guard last year IMO. We will need to find another decent player or the line will take a step backward this season for sure.
No, iggloo, just forget everything you know and have seen. Those guys will obviously be fine replacements because Chip Kelly.


Formerly FWFW
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Really? All of a sudden he does not care about talent. What a crock of shit. I will admit that some of CK's moves make me scratch my head but he gets results. The offensive line had a lot of injuries last year and yet the Eagles finished with a Top 3 offense. He improved the defense and the running game. Addressed the WR position during the draft as well as the secondary. Yet he does not care about talent? smh
Doing whatever Chip says comes before Talent, Character, Intelligence and Work ethic, on Chips value chart. If that's not true, Riley Cooper wouldn't be here and Evan Mathis would be.


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Does it though? Loud mouths who talk negatively in public and/or don't buy into the regiment that Chip has planned get cut. Players who show up and bust their asses and stay quiet stay. I wouldn't say there is any question as to what Chip expects at this point. If you want out, become a malcontent.

I agree with having a positive culture. But I also think that building your roster from a smaller pool of players produces a roster with less talent.

And coming at out from a slightly different angle. Why not let the culture work to "fix" players?


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I think its more personal for the some of the fans than the coach. I really don't think Kelly gives a crap about anyone or anything that doesn't help him win a football game. Long term neither do the fans, but in the short term, they go all Nancy every time a player they know gets cut for one they don't.

Kelly doesn't share that nervousness as he knows 10 times more than us. He has the tapes and grades from each practice. He knows who is in the weight room every day, and heck he even knows how many hours they sleep at night. He sees the dedication and progress up close every day in very tangible ways.
You are getting very close to saying that "the backups beat Mathis out" and thats ridiculous. Mathis was Chip's starting guard with all that practice tape, game tape etc. And now Chip has to use a lesser guard.


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I haven't posted much this year, so i know i missed some news. Could you bring me up to speed on what exactly chip kelly's won? I had some things come up when i had to check out and we were about 9-3 at that time. How'd that play out? Division title & First round bye? Wild Card?

You are only as good as your last month. Chip Kelly, 1-3. And an embarrassing loss to the redskins. That makes me nervous. But that's also why Chip made a lot of changes. I hope they were the right ones.


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I think they are serious about liking Tobin and Barbre as starters and putting Mathis in with second string would not have been just for show for a week or two. Mathis would have been seriously unhappy with that and the Eagles would have been reticent to pay him the big bucks to sit on the bench. At the end of the day, I think it was Chip's assessment that Mathis simply lost his starting job because the other guys played well and participated in the offseason program. Mathis as a backup was not going to work out.

OMG you really do believe this.


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OMG you really do believe this.

Sure do. Kelly seems to me to be obsessed with winning. I really don't believe he would cut a starting guard. He teaches hard work will pay off, and you need to reward players that do that. The only way this move makes sense is if Mathis had lost his starting job.

Maybe it makes me a company man, but I really don't think Kelly is trying to do anything other than win football games and when you couple that with the fact that he knows 10 times as much about what is going on with this team than we do, I tend to look at these things to learn what he knows rather than to assume he is doing something rash or idiotic.

I would bet money that Stoutland had recommended to Kelly that Tobin and Barbre should start ahead of Mathis.


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Aug 19, 2014
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Doing whatever Chip says comes before Talent, Character, Intelligence and Work ethic, on Chips value chart. If that's not true, Riley Cooper wouldn't be here and Evan Mathis would be.

WTF does Riley Cooper have to do with this?.....nothing. And for the record the Riley Cooper incident happened during Reid's tenure here and from what I can tell it has been handled. What has Riley Cooper done since then to warrants him being kicked off the team?

You have not listed one shred of evidence that supports your claim that doing what Chip says comes before talent. From what I can tell Chip has added talent and those that have not come on board are no longer here. He is not the first coach to follow that mantra and will not be the last either.


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Sep 16, 2014
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Sure do. Kelly seems to me to be obsessed with winning. I really don't believe he would cut a starting guard. He teaches hard work will pay off, and you need to reward players that do that. The only way this move makes sense is if Mathis had lost his starting job.

Maybe it makes me a company man, but I really don't think Kelly is trying to do anything other than win football games and when you couple that with the fact that he knows 10 times as much about what is going on with this team than we do, I tend to look at these things to learn what he knows rather than to assume he is doing something rash or idiotic.

I would bet money that Stoutland had recommended to Kelly that Tobin and Barbre should start ahead of Mathis.

I'm not surprised by this cut, but it has nothing to do with performance or him losing the starting role :L


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Sure do. Kelly seems to me to be obsessed with winning. I really don't believe he would cut a starting guard. He teaches hard work will pay off, and you need to reward players that do that. The only way this move makes sense is if Mathis had lost his starting job.

Maybe it makes me a company man, but I really don't think Kelly is trying to do anything other than win football games and when you couple that with the fact that he knows 10 times as much about what is going on with this team than we do, I tend to look at these things to learn what he knows rather than to assume he is doing something rash or idiotic.

I would bet money that Stoutland had recommended to Kelly that Tobin and Barbre should start ahead of Mathis.

Well that's wonderful that you've convinced yourself of this.