The Q
Hoop’s Villain, Reality’s Hero
Translation: Premium position doesn't count because I'm making up my own criteria to conveniently support my claims.
He wasn't a good SS.
Not even a little bit.
Translation: Premium position doesn't count because I'm making up my own criteria to conveniently support my claims.
He wasn't a good SS.
Not even a little bit.
But you mean to tell me it doesn't have any effect on his offensive numbers?
When you're in the Albert Belle/Hanley Ramirez (for LFs) class of SSs.....meh.
Playing any premium defensive position tends to have a negative impact on offensive numbers, regardless of how good or bad you were at that position. I don't see how you can argue this...
Not really. usually the guys just aren't as good on offense.
That's what makes guys like A-Rod so amazing.
Catcher is the one that is a different story.
Belle had a fielding and positional adjustment combined of -145.5. Jeter (in significantly more innings- remember this number is a counting stat) produced a -29.7. In 92 games in left field, Ramirez posted a number of -22.9. You're comparing apples and orangesWhen you're in the Albert Belle/Hanley Ramirez (for LFs) class of SSs.....meh.
It amazes me that people are stupid enough to actually believe this.
There is some truth to it... Same way as Tom Brady... Tom Brady gained confidence due to system and coach, and became a good player because of it, but then took the step to become GREAT by himself and brought his team with him... Jeter and Brady change their team, might have been a total different story, but they both made themselves and their team Great after the team made them first...