There was a little contact of the helmets but that still doesn't show the play.
Goldson didn't "spear" him. He tackled him. The penalty helmet-to-helmet hit was intended to prevent players from using their helmets as weapons to the other players heads.
Its a physiological problem defensive players have..having their heads extend farther than their shoulders.
Calling a good hit like that is bad football.
Yeah, but its against the patriots... Goldson could have led with his body and just had their facemasks collide and he still would have been called for "spearing" the "defenseless receiver". I seriously hate the rule and hate the flag on this play, but by the very letter of the rule that was a penalty cause their helmets touched first. I just see why they flagged it, his head was down and it hit Hernandez's helmet... Im pretty sure we all think it was cheap and Harbaugh had a great reaction to the penalty..