Kimmo Forever
I blame you guys. Series threads are fucking stupid. We should just do game threads.
so that means there are more stickies at this time of the year than usual.
and to add some "guess baseball attendance of random games" to the mess at the top? ca'maaan.
Go smoke some weed or something.
as I'm the one who asked for it to be unstucked, guess i should give an opinion.
a ton of sticky thread simply makes a board awful. not only you need to scroll down a half page to get to anything new, but it means that there are that amount of fewer threads that are able to stay on the first page. and that sucks. as we all know, page 2 is basically the dead zone.
in the playoffs, we have traditionally had the active series threads stickied. fair enough. and unstick them when the series is over, to make room for the next round. also fair enough.
so that means there are more stickies at this time of the year than usual.
and to add some "guess baseball attendance of random games" to the mess at the top? ca'maaan.
and it is also very true that the series threads technically don't need to be stickied, as they'd stay at the top by themselves, and fade naturally when they are over. them being stickied seems more of a symbolic gesture, which is fine.
And furthermore, page 3 is thezone.
Page Six has a bunch of topless girls.
Not when I last looked. It wasn't me if they are now.