I bet you couldn't slide a needle up these guys sphincter right now.
I'll eat my hat if they do.I would be amazed if they make it without wrecking
my little buddy Ricothe MIDGET!! I forgot about that mofo!!
Hermie Sadler was interviewing him the other day on his knees. I was dying. The dude can drive though. I like him .... for now, until he wrecks one of my little buddy Rico
Hermie Sadler was interviewing him the other day on his knees. I was dying. The dude can drive though. I like him .... for now, until he wrecks one of my drivers.
I'll have to watch him this year then. See how he progresses.we have raced with him for 10 years, great kid. he has no fear.
I'll have to watch him this year then. See how he progresses.