Brock wears female undies
Hammer's fault
Hammer's fault
i would love to hear uno's counter argument to this
someone needs to recruit for this dump
Incorrect. They can if they throw one pitch that doesn't put a lot of wear and tear on the elbow, they don't throw it at max effort, and no one seems to be able to figure it out. Mo is basically a knuckleballer who happens to throw something other than a knuckleball. What would PEDs do for him? It's not adding velocity. He's lost velocity over the years and remained effective. PEDs wouldn't help his cutter in any way. Recovery? The guy pitches one inning a game for the most part and never pitches more than two days in a row. He pitches less than 70 innings per year. Doesn't sound like he has a lot to recover
let's say he was on the "list"
let's be realistic, nobody can close that many years these days without the juice or at least tommy john surgery. correct?
wrong in so many ways
what has Mo ever done that didn't scream "class"
he isnt demanding this attention, teams are giving it to him...and its genuine
he might be the best player in the history of baseball respective to his position, and he was better in the playoffs than he was in regular season
he deserves every bit of attention he gets and all the accolades that come with it
why do I think your shit opinion has to do with glenn hoffman's brother?
What is this garbage?
So everyone in and around baseball got it wrong and Hammer got it right? Mo is arrogant asshole that has fooled everyone but you?
Fact is hes the opposite of an arrogant asshole, that's why he is recognized by is peers the way he is
Can we recap the "Classy" Todd Heltons career? The part where he went from a perennial 35-40 HR hitter to a 7-10 HR hitter?
No, nothing suspect about that guys career
Yeah, and everyone with a brain should know Mo will never pitch again. Won't stay away my ass
let's say he was on the "list"
let's be realistic, nobody can close that many years these days without the juice or at least tommy john surgery. correct?
Incorrect. They can if they throw one pitch that doesn't put a lot of wear and tear on the elbow, they don't throw it at max effort, and no one seems to be able to figure it out. Mo is basically a knuckleballer who happens to throw something other than a knuckleball. What would PEDs do for him? It's not adding velocity. He's lost velocity over the years and remained effective. PEDs wouldn't help his cutter in any way. Recovery? The guy pitches one inning a game for the most part and never pitches more than two days in a row. He pitches less than 70 innings per year. Doesn't sound like he has a lot to recover from.
Hammer's fault
Tell me how everything Mo does screams class, Worrld. You should be able to offer quite a list of things he does that "scream class." Hell, I'm sure YES and Tim McCarver quotes will even suffice.
"Everything Mariano does oozes and seethes with class, Joe." - Tim McCarver
Big Hoff is classier than Mariano. He does his job and shuts his mouth and is gracious and kind to everyone he's ever been around and doesn't have his people spend a whole year organizing a distracting gift-giving and attention-whore tour. Mariano not so much.
Funny how you clowns can't discuss Mariano without insulting Trevor. Why is that?![]()
And good morning to you too, Dirt.I'm doing fine. And you?
I'm disappointed that Yankees fans find it impossible to defend the merits of the circus Mariano perpetuates around himself without insulting guys like Trevor Hoffman or Todd Helton.
Real fans of the game or Yankees fanboys? You decide.
That post really tore you up, didn't it Worrld? Why? You're going to sit there with your arms folded all day and not participate because some guy 3,000 miles away from you doesn't worship your hero?
so much wrong again
you hate Mo, i get it, thus any rational discussion with you isn't possible
where did I insult Hoffman, dipshit?
If you hate Mo, there is something wrong with you