based on a few of the offers I've been receiving, I feel the need to clarify my statement. And no this is not indicative of anyone's offer being out of line value wise...just not what I'm trying to achieve.
While its true that if I stand pat, I'll finish the draft with 23 players and be left with finding the last two off the trash heap...I'm perfectly fine with that, as by the time we hit the 4th, it basically is the trash heap. So while I am willing to give a shiny penny for the privilege of drafting an extra piece of garbage or two, I'm not at all thrilled at the opportunity to do so, so I certainly won't be giving anything more than the shiny penny...I'd rather wait and just rummage through the leftovers.
So again..if you want a tiny lil' sumpin' sumpin', for picks you're not going to use anyways, hit me up.
Sent you a little something for the same.