You fell victim to one of the classic blunders.
I tell you what t, I may take my full 24 to decide.Here is the thing.
I don't know about you guys, but I don't have time to analyze every detail myself. I would like to have the opportunity to read a couple articles and see others opinions to go along with my own.
Draft grades are nice, but fantasy impact stuff doesn't come out right away.
Pick 1 is a no brainer. Picks 2 and 3 aren't that hard. After that?
I feel like time is needed to sort through all the muck. I really don't get why you guys are in such a hurry. There will be a lot more information available in a day or two.
Not that I want to help another owner out.
But like you say, information can come out at anytime and I don't want to miss the boat if it helps my decision.