¿Cómo está usted?
Oh my god this was great!!!
Ok BRS, even though you enjoy it, I will stop bending you over my knee.
3 quick things:
1. I am not looking to "win" anything on here.
2. I would get into the comments on the radio hosts and what they think of me but I would probably be accused of being an egomaniac and that I was bragging. So I will just keep that stuff private and let you believe what you want on that. Just know that you couldn't be further from the truth.
3. I can promise you this, not only would I say any and all of this to your face if the opportunity presented it's self, but I would do it with a smile on my face. You see, I don't hide behind a cowardly and mildly clever screen name. I own up to what I say. There is nothing that I say on here that I wouldn't say to someone's face. Whether that is Dirk, Bo, Osborne, BRS, JJM, or anyone else. So keep telling me to fuck off with funny little graphics on the computer and apologize by trying to make people believe that you are not like this. Do whatever you have to do to sleep at night. Just make sure you don't forget the 2 guy's names that are on both sides of you.
lol.......Jed, I hope ya know I don't hate ya. I don't hate anyone on here..........I didn't even hate vinnie back when he treated me like absolute garbage.
The fact is, I pretty much don't have any need for the Media, and I like to argue