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Corey Robinson running for student body president


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Jul 3, 2013
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its hard not to like this kid. I know we've been told that we aren't supposed to care about the players once they leave ND, but I'd be surprised if this guy isn't really successful even if he doesn't make it in the NFL.


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I think he will be getting into politics after college if not the nfl. I don't even know if there is a desire even to be in the NFL for him. Football seems more like a hobby to him in my opinion.


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I think he will be getting into politics after college if not the nfl. I don't even know if there is a desire even to be in the NFL for him. Football seems more like a hobby to him in my opinion.
^ This. And to me, that's a bit of a problem. I think Corey Robinson is a tremendous person, who was obviously raised well. He's a hard working and well-rounded student. Good for him, and, yes, he will probably succeed in whatever he does after he graduates.

That said, we need FOOTBALL PLAYERS. I think Robinson's production has fallen off because football just isn't that important to him anymore (if it ever was). He wants to be student body president, fine, I say go off and do that. Its going to take too much of your time to hone your skills on the field, and there are leadership holes at WR with Fuller and Brown gone. Its basically Robinson, Tori Hunter, and a slew of mostly unproven underclassmen next year.


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Apr 19, 2013
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Well rumor has it Robinson was about to give up on Football and start worrying about life after college. He had a meeting with the coaching staff and he is still going to play.

To be honest I dont think he will play much. We will ESB, Hunter, Sanders and if we land Robertson I dont see much playing time for him. His hands are just too bad. I like the kid and wish him well might he might get passed by. See some of these kids have football #1 and then school and he has school #1 and then football.


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Jul 13, 2013
spotsylvania, county, va.
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its hard not to like this kid. I know we've been told that we aren't supposed to care about the players once they leave ND, but I'd be surprised if this guy isn't really successful even if he doesn't make it in the NFL.

grrrrrr ....
this is NOT what i said! stop with the subtle attacks on my stance already ... SHEEESH!

guess what? you see my icon, right? that's nellie fox. chicago white sox second baseman in the 50's and '60's. i LOVED the guy! i cared about him as much as one can care for someone he's never met! there are other athletes i also care about. i wish them well in life after their careers. i just stop short at praying they become multi, multi millionaires. they get what they deserve, which is all ANY of us should get and that should be sufficient. my ridiculous hope is that this would tend to stop the runaway prices that we all have to pay for sports. or would you rather it just escalate till only other millionaires can afford to actually see their teams play?

i know ... this is a little off topic ... but the not-so-clever innuendos seem to popup in lots of threads now. i get it. you think i'm full of shit and ..... well, never mind what i think. now won't you all please just grow up a little?


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grrrrrr ....
this is NOT what i said! stop with the subtle attacks on my stance already ... SHEEESH!

guess what? you see my icon, right? that's nellie fox. chicago white sox second baseman in the 50's and '60's. i LOVED the guy! i cared about him as much as one can care for someone he's never met! there are other athletes i also care about. i wish them well in life after their careers. i just stop short at praying they become multi, multi millionaires. they get what they deserve, which is all ANY of us should get and that should be sufficient. my ridiculous hope is that this would tend to stop the runaway prices that we all have to pay for sports. or would you rather it just escalate till only other millionaires can afford to actually see their teams play?

i know ... this is a little off topic ... but the not-so-clever innuendos seem to popup in lots of threads now. i get it. you think i'm full of shit and ..... well, never mind what i think. now won't you all please just grow up a little?

You need to calm down. I have followed ND football for a long time. I've known several of the football players, some from my time at the school, and some I met years later. I love it any time I hear a story where one does well. I think it's important for them and the school every time that they are successful. Even more simply, they give me a nice diversion from my daily routine, and I would like to see them rewarded by doing well financially and professionally. I would love to see them become multi multi millionaires.

I honestly don't understand why you seem so concerned over the fact that I, and others here, want to see the ND players do well once they leave school and no longer play on the team. It almost sounds like you have some axe to grind against the success that they might get for their efforts. I don't know Nellie Fox, I don't follow the White Sox. I don't care about him. And I don't care if you want to see him make a bunch of money. I did like Carl Yastrzemski and not because he played for the Red Sox, it was because he attended ND. My favorite players now are Craig Councell and Jeff Samardjia do you want to guess why?

I guess the bottom line is that I do think you're full of shit, and not because I care that you don't care about the ND players once they leave school. It's because that for some reason, that is beyond my comprehension, you seem to be upset that some people who post here do want to see them be successful once they leave Notre Dame.


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Jul 13, 2013
spotsylvania, county, va.
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You need to calm down. I have followed ND football for a long time. I've known several of the football players, some from my time at the school, and some I met years later. I love it any time I hear a story where one does well. I think it's important for them and the school every time that they are successful. Even more simply, they give me a nice diversion from my daily routine, and I would like to see them rewarded by doing well financially and professionally. I would love to see them become multi multi millionaires.

I honestly don't understand why you seem so concerned over the fact that I, and others here, want to see the ND players do well once they leave school and no longer play on the team. It almost sounds like you have some axe to grind against the success that they might get for their efforts. I don't know Nellie Fox, I don't follow the White Sox. I don't care about him. And I don't care if you want to see him make a bunch of money. I did like Carl Yastrzemski and not because he played for the Red Sox, it was because he attended ND. My favorite players now are Craig Councell and Jeff Samardjia do you want to guess why?

I guess the bottom line is that I do think you're full of shit, and not because I care that you don't care about the ND players once they leave school. It's because that for some reason, that is beyond my comprehension, you seem to be upset that some people who post here do want to see them be successful once they leave Notre Dame.

yes ... i can guess why. you have no taste.

maybe YOU should calm down. apparently, what is beyond your comprehension is english! i don't care that you don't care about what i care about and i don't care what you care about ... can we get that behind us now? the point of my last post was your continued childish swipes at something we discussed weeks ago. do you think everyone gets your point yet? or do you just enjoy trying to rub my face in it because all your friends here are on your side? if you're a product of notre dame then i am not impressed.

still waiting for you to grow up.

oh ... and btw ... go fuck yourself!


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Jul 3, 2013
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yes ... i can guess why. you have no taste.

maybe YOU should calm down. apparently, what is beyond your comprehension is english! i don't care that you don't care about what i care about and i don't care what you care about ... can we get that behind us now? the point of my last post was your continued childish swipes at something we discussed weeks ago. do you think everyone gets your point yet? or do you just enjoy trying to rub my face in it because all your friends here are on your side? if you're a product of notre dame then i am not impressed.

still waiting for you to grow up.

oh ... and btw ... go fuck yourself!

I actually don't know any of the posters on this site. You seem to think that they are all on my side because they are my friends. I tend to think that they seem to be on my side (on this topic) because we share the belief that you are an idiot who hates the fact that some of these players are very successful both during and after their time playing for Notre Dame.

And honestly, if you're waiting for me to "grow up", I think you need to find a better way to spend your time. As to your final point, that's about as classy as any of your posts get, so I have to say that you are nothing if not consistent.


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Aug 29, 2013
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yes ... i can guess why. you have no taste.

maybe YOU should calm down. apparently, what is beyond your comprehension is english! i don't care that you don't care about what i care about and i don't care what you care about ... can we get that behind us now? the point of my last post was your continued childish swipes at something we discussed weeks ago. do you think everyone gets your point yet? or do you just enjoy trying to rub my face in it because all your friends here are on your side? if you're a product of notre dame then i am not impressed.

still waiting for you to grow up.

oh ... and btw ... go fuck yourself!
Honestly, buddy, you'd be better served by not taking yourself, your opinions and this board so damn seriously. @Irish7478 is right. People aren't piling on because there's some sort of clique out to get you. That's some first rate paranoia going on there. People were piling on because your assertion was ridiculous, and rather than walk it back or let it go, you've doubled-down and tripled-down, essentially accusing the rest of us of just simply not comprehending you. I think at that point, you've ceased the ability to sell your view and the wise move is to just let it go.

Its fine to debate different opinions, but if somebody's gonna say something that others find ridiculous, be prepared to be called out for it. If I said something as bat guano nuts as you did, I would be mocked just as much, and deservedly so.

This is an internet message board for crying out loud. A distraction, a diversion. This is not the UN. Chill out already.



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Jul 13, 2013
spotsylvania, county, va.
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Honestly, buddy, you'd be better served by not taking yourself, your opinions and this board so damn seriously. @Irish7478 is right. People aren't piling on because there's some sort of clique out to get you. That's some first rate paranoia going on there. People were piling on because your assertion was ridiculous, and rather than walk it back or let it go, you've doubled-down and tripled-down, essentially accusing the rest of us of just simply not comprehending you. I think at that point, you've ceased the ability to sell your view and the wise move is to just let it go.

Its fine to debate different opinions, but if somebody's gonna say something that others find ridiculous, be prepared to be called out for it. If I said something as bat guano nuts as you did, I would be mocked just as much, and deservedly so.

This is an internet message board for crying out loud. A distraction, a diversion. This is not the UN. Chill out already.


never suggested there was some clique out to 'get me'. i'm suggesting longer standing posters here tend to stick together (nobody here knows how to read!). and trying to bait me with your "ooo you're paranoid" schtick just dribbles off my back. i'm well aware i'm in a lions den of mostly nd football worshippers and it doesn't bother me one bit. you can even pretend that my position is bat shit crazy ... but that doesn't make it so. take this anywhere outside this nd locker room and i think you'd be surprised.

and irish is certainly NOT right. your problem is you think the majority opinion in here somehow has to be right. doesn't even occur to you that you could be off base. i guarantee you that outside your little playroom here most people would understand exactly what i was talking about. but i stopped the 'discussion' because i could see that your thick heads would not grasp the obvious.
and by the way ... YOU are the ones who couldn't let it go ... hypocrite. you can even continue your childish piling on if you like. just don't be surprised when i respond to you keyboard bullies.


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Jul 13, 2013
spotsylvania, county, va.
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I actually don't know any of the posters on this site. You seem to think that they are all on my side because they are my friends. I tend to think that they seem to be on my side (on this topic) because we share the belief that you are an idiot who hates the fact that some of these players are very successful both during and after their time playing for Notre Dame.

And honestly, if you're waiting for me to "grow up", I think you need to find a better way to spend your time. As to your final point, that's about as classy as any of your posts get, so I have to say that you are nothing if not consistent.

blah blah blah. does the fact escape you that almost nobody on any of these site "knows" anyone else? you think that was some kind of defense? why waste your time? i tend to think they seem to be on your side because you have over 8000 posts! other thousand-ish posters tend to 'know' you. you really need this explained to you?

as for class ... you should talk. i didn't start throwing names around ... that would be you. so as to that final point .... it still stands.


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This derailed quickly.


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Aug 29, 2013
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never suggested there was some clique out to 'get me'. i'm suggesting longer standing posters here tend to stick together (nobody here knows how to read!). and trying to bait me with your "ooo you're paranoid" schtick just dribbles off my back. i'm well aware i'm in a lions den of mostly nd football worshippers and it doesn't bother me one bit. you can even pretend that my position is bat shit crazy ... but that doesn't make it so. take this anywhere outside this nd locker room and i think you'd be surprised.

and irish is certainly NOT right. your problem is you think the majority opinion in here somehow has to be right. doesn't even occur to you that you could be off base. i guarantee you that outside your little playroom here most people would understand exactly what i was talking about. but i stopped the 'discussion' because i could see that your thick heads would not grasp the obvious.
and by the way ... YOU are the ones who couldn't let it go ... hypocrite. you can even continue your childish piling on if you like. just don't be surprised when i respond to you keyboard bullies.
Keep moving those goalposts buddy. You mean to tell me there is not a tautological difference between you complaining about people being friendlier with other posters as the animus for disagreeing with you as opposed to there being a clique of veteran posters? Either you're being really obtuse or you are just simply the most misunderstood person ever on SportsHoopla.

As far as calling others keyboard bullies, again, get over yourself. I have yet to see anyone discount what you write or put you down based on your posting history. I'd point out that this is not the first time you brought it up either. Trust me, it matters not at all how much or how little you post. Its what you post, and frankly, a lot of its garbage. But I guess we're not as discerning a fan as you are, or so you like to tell others. There are other posters that come to the ND board with fewer posts than you that don't act like holier than thou jackasses either. To you, they're just kissing up to the veteran posters. Maybe I'll posit an alternate theory. They're not assholes.


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Jul 13, 2013
spotsylvania, county, va.
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Keep moving those goalposts buddy. You mean to tell me there is not a tautological difference between you complaining about people being friendlier with other posters as the animus for disagreeing with you as opposed to there being a clique of veteran posters? Either you're being really obtuse or you are just simply the most misunderstood person ever on SportsHoopla.

As far as calling others keyboard bullies, again, get over yourself. I have yet to see anyone discount what you write or put you down based on your posting history. I'd point out that this is not the first time you brought it up either. Trust me, it matters not at all how much or how little you post. Its what you post, and frankly, a lot of its garbage. But I guess we're not as discerning a fan as you are, or so you like to tell others. There are other posters that come to the ND board with fewer posts than you that don't act like holier than thou jackasses either. To you, they're just kissing up to the veteran posters. Maybe I'll posit an alternate theory. They're not assholes.

listen jj .... there were perhaps 3 or 4 posters who seemed offended by my post. so stop trying to make it sound as if the whole community feels like you do. if you'd had any brains you'd have kept your mouth shut after your one post disagreeing with me. it's those 2 or 3 other posters that irish talks about as "everybody else" thinking i'm nuts. you are one of them. you're little group is the little group i refer to when i say you're friendly. and what brought this all up again is the three times now one of you has "reminded" everyone what they saw as a horrible post. you seem to want to ignore that fact and suggest i'm not letting it go. that's the hypocrisy. i had let it go ... and that wasn't good enough for irish. he had to keep pouring the salt and once again you jumped in to defend him. so don't tell me you aren't "posting buddies" here.

whether you think my posts are garbage is irrelevant. i think most of yours are too. in fact there are very few posts here from very few posters that i consider intelligent and who post actual interesting things. you aren't one of them. you sort of ride along and repeat the obvious. to me that's garbage.
your garbage in this 'discussion' is also garbage. spread around a few " you're paranoid"s and "get over yourself"s and you believe you've actually said something. so far you're a waste of space in this thread. you really should just butt out.


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listen jj .... there were perhaps 3 or 4 posters who seemed offended by my post. so stop trying to make it sound as if the whole community feels like you do. if you'd had any brains you'd have kept your mouth shut after your one post disagreeing with me. it's those 2 or 3 other posters that irish talks about as "everybody else" thinking i'm nuts. you are one of them. you're little group is the little group i refer to when i say you're friendly. and what brought this all up again is the three times now one of you has "reminded" everyone what they saw as a horrible post. you seem to want to ignore that fact and suggest i'm not letting it go. that's the hypocrisy. i had let it go ... and that wasn't good enough for irish. he had to keep pouring the salt and once again you jumped in to defend him. so don't tell me you aren't "posting buddies" here.

whether you think my posts are garbage is irrelevant. i think most of yours are too. in fact there are very few posts here from very few posters that i consider intelligent and who post actual interesting things. you aren't one of them. you sort of ride along and repeat the obvious. to me that's garbage.
your garbage in this 'discussion' is also garbage. spread around a few " you're paranoid"s and "get over yourself"s and you believe you've actually said something. so far you're a waste of space in this thread. you really should just butt out.
For a waste of your time you sure wrote a nice diatribe there.


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listen jj .... there were perhaps 3 or 4 posters who seemed offended by my post. so stop trying to make it sound as if the whole community feels like you do. if you'd had any brains you'd have kept your mouth shut after your one post disagreeing with me. it's those 2 or 3 other posters that irish talks about as "everybody else" thinking i'm nuts. you are one of them. you're little group is the little group i refer to when i say you're friendly. and what brought this all up again is the three times now one of you has "reminded" everyone what they saw as a horrible post. you seem to want to ignore that fact and suggest i'm not letting it go. that's the hypocrisy. i had let it go ... and that wasn't good enough for irish. he had to keep pouring the salt and once again you jumped in to defend him. so don't tell me you aren't "posting buddies" here.

whether you think my posts are garbage is irrelevant. i think most of yours are too. in fact there are very few posts here from very few posters that i consider intelligent and who post actual interesting things. you aren't one of them. you sort of ride along and repeat the obvious. to me that's garbage.
your garbage in this 'discussion' is also garbage. spread around a few " you're paranoid"s and "get over yourself"s and you believe you've actually said something. so far you're a waste of space in this thread. you really should just butt out.

I've never seen a person play the victim on a sports forum the way you do. If anyone cared, it would be funny. As it is, it's just pathetic.